/******************************************************************/ /* NB IMPORTANT: Please run setup script in SQLCMD mode */ /******************************************************************/ :setvar Utility "MigFx_Utility" -- Set this SQLCMD variable to the name of the MigFx_Utility database /* Detect SQLCMD mode and disable script execution if SQLCMD mode is not supported. To re-enable the script after enabling SQLCMD mode, execute the following: SET NOEXEC OFF; */ :setvar __IsSqlCmdEnabled "True" GO IF N'$(__IsSqlCmdEnabled)' NOT LIKE N'True' BEGIN PRINT N'SQLCMD mode must be enabled to successfully execute this script.'; SET NOEXEC ON; END GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_backup]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_backup] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_concurrency]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_concurrency] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_director]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_director] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_garbage]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_garbage] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_item]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_item] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_profile]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_profile] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_project]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_project] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_schema]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_schema] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_temp]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_temp] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_tracking]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_tracking] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_translation]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_translation] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_utility]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_utility] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating Schema [mig_valid]...'; GO CREATE SCHEMA [mig_valid] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; GO PRINT N'Creating User-Defined Table Type [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet]...'; GO CREATE TYPE [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet] AS TABLE ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NULL, [InvalidJobId] INT NULL, [InvalidJobInstanceId] INT NULL, [ValidJobId] INT NULL, [ValidJobInstanceId] INT NULL); GO PRINT N'Creating User-Defined Table Type [mig_item].[ExportItemList]...'; GO CREATE TYPE [mig_item].[ExportItemList] AS TABLE ( [ExportID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [BreakFields] NVARCHAR (512) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ExportID] ASC)); GO PRINT N'Creating Partition Function [RelationshipRange]...'; GO CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [RelationshipRange](BIGINT) AS RANGE FOR VALUES (0); GO PRINT N'Creating Partition Scheme [RelationshipScheme]...'; GO CREATE PARTITION SCHEME [RelationshipScheme] AS PARTITION [RelationshipRange] TO ([PRIMARY], [PRIMARY], [PRIMARY]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_concurrency].[Token]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_concurrency].[Token] ( [Id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [TagId] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Tag] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Available] BIT NOT NULL, [ProcessId] INT NULL, [ProcessName] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Attempts] INT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Token] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_concurrency].[Token].[IX_Token]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Token] ON [mig_concurrency].[Token]([TagId] ASC, [Available] ASC) INCLUDE([ProcessId]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] ( [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [SourceID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [SourceType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [IsPresent] BIT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportEntitySourceDependency] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([EntityID] ASC, [SourceID] ASC, [SourceType] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportEntity]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportEntity] ( [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [EntityName] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [BusinessEntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [IsPresent] BIT NOT NULL, [Ignored] BIT NOT NULL, [LastSynchronizeTime] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportEntity_1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([EntityID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[DirectorOption]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[DirectorOption] ( [OptionName] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [OptionValue] NVARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [ModificationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Options] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([OptionName] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Name] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Xml] XML NOT NULL, [Present] BIT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [CreatedBy] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ModificationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [ModifiedBy] VARCHAR (50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ValuesetProvider] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ProjectID] ASC, [ItemID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [BaselineCount] INT CONSTRAINT [ValuesetBaseline_BaselineCount] DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (2) CONSTRAINT [ValuesetBaseline_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ValuesetBaseline] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemID] ASC, [ProjectID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[Valueset]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[Valueset] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [FullName] AS (([SchemaName] + '.') + [Name]), [Name] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [SchemaName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ProjectID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ValuesetType] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ProviderID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [DataServicesUsage] XML NULL, [RowCount] INT NULL, [CreateTableSql] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [Columns] XML NOT NULL, [Present] BIT NOT NULL, [LastUpdateDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [LastUpdateBy] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [CreatedBy] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ModificationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [ModifiedBy] VARCHAR (50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Valueset] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ProjectID] ASC, [ItemID] ASC) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[Concurrency]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[Concurrency] ( [Tag] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [Limit] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Concurrency] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Tag] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[Command]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[Command] ( [CommandId] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [CommandType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [StartExecutionDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [EndExecutionDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [Elapsed] BIGINT NULL, [Parameters] XML NOT NULL, [SyncResult] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL, [SyncError] BIT NULL, [CreatedBy] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_Command_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Command] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([CommandId] ASC) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[RunParameter]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[RunParameter] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Name] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Value] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [Description] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [DataTypeXml] XML NULL, [Present] BIT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [Runparameter_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, [CreatedBy] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ModificationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [ModifiedBy] VARCHAR (50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RunParameter] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ProjectID], [ItemID]) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [LogType] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Message] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_JobLog] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog].[IX_JobLog_JobInstanceId]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_JobLog_JobInstanceId] ON [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog]([JobInstanceId] DESC, [CreationDate] ASC, [Id] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[JobInstance]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstance] ( [Id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [ClientID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [DebugWait] BIT NOT NULL, [Priority] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ExecutionState] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Result] TINYINT NOT NULL, [TimeStart] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [TimeEnd] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [ProcessId] INT NULL, [ProcessName] VARCHAR (256) NULL, [RuntimeVersion] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [CreatedBy] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_JobInstance] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[JobInstance].[IX_JobInstance_JobId]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_JobInstance_JobId] ON [mig_director].[JobInstance]([JobId] DESC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[JobInstance].[IX_JobInstance_JobList]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_JobInstance_JobList] ON [mig_director].[JobInstance]([JobId] ASC, [Id] ASC) INCLUDE([TimeStart], [TimeEnd], [ExecutionState]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[JobInstance].[IX_JobInstance_ClientID]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_JobInstance_ClientID] ON [mig_director].[JobInstance]([ClientID] ASC) INCLUDE([Result], [ExecutionState]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[Job]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[Job] ( [JobId] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [JobTypeId] INT NOT NULL, [Name] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ClassName] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [Header] VARCHAR (256) NULL, [Parameters] XML NOT NULL, [RestartArea] XML NULL, [BatchSize] INT NOT NULL, [CanCancel] BIT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Job] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([JobId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[Job].[IX_Job]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Job] ON [mig_director].[Job]([JobId] ASC) INCLUDE([Name], [Header], [CanCancel], [CreationDate]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ItemSet]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ItemSet] ( [SetId] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Type] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Source] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [ItemCount] INT NULL, [OrderDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [ReadyDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ItemSet] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([SetId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[GlobalCounter]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[GlobalCounter] ( [CounterId] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [NextIntervalStart] BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_GlobalCounter] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([CounterId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] ( [ViewID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [DependentOnID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [SourceType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [IsPresent] BIT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportSourceViewDependency] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ViewID] ASC, [DependentOnID] ASC, [SourceType] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] ( [FullName] AS (([ViewSchema] + '.') + [ViewName]) PERSISTED NOT NULL, [ViewSchema] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ViewName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [BaselineCount] INT NOT NULL, [ModificationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportSourceView_Baseline] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([FullName] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportSourceView]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [FullName] AS (([ViewSchema]+'.')+[ViewName]) PERSISTED NOT NULL, [ViewSchema] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ViewName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ColumnsXml] XML NOT NULL, [IsPresent] BIT NOT NULL, [LoadedDate] DATETIME2 NULL, [LoadedElapsedTicks] BIGINT NULL, [LoadedCount] INT NULL, [ForceInScope] BIT CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportSourceView_ForceInScope] DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL, [TestableQuery] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [AcceptedQueryPlan] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL, [OptimizeIterations] INT NULL, [OptimizeDate] DATETIME2(7) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportSourceView_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportSourceView] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[ExportSourceView].[IX_ExportSourceView]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportSourceView] ON [mig_director].[ExportSourceView]([FullName] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] ( [FullName] AS (([TableSchema] + '.') + [TableName]) PERSISTED NOT NULL, [TableSchema] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [TableName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [BaselineCount] INT NOT NULL, [ModificationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportSourceTable_Baseline] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([FullName] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [FullName] AS (([TableSchema]+'.')+[TableName]) PERSISTED NOT NULL, [TableSchema] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [TableName] VARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, [ColumnsXml] XML NOT NULL, [ReformatExtensionID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [LoadedCount] INT NULL, [IsPresent] BIT NOT NULL, [ForceInScope] BIT CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportSourceTable_ForceInScope] DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportSourceTable_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportSourceTable] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable].[IX_ExportSourceTable]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportSourceTable] ON [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable]([FullName] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] ( [FileName] VARCHAR (512) NOT NULL, [FullName] VARCHAR (1024) NOT NULL, [FileDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [SourceTableFullName] VARCHAR (512) NOT NULL, [ReformatExtensionID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportSourceFile] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([FileName] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] ( [FileName] VARCHAR (512) NOT NULL, [FullName] VARCHAR (1024) NOT NULL, [FileDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [DateOfLoadedFile] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [LoadedDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [LoadedCount] INT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportFormattedFile] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([FileName] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[JobData]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[JobData] ( [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [Type] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Content] VARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_JobData] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([JobId] ASC, [Type] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[State]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[State] ( [Name] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Value] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_State] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Name] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[JobInstanceRunParameter]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstanceRunParameter] ( [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL , [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Name] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [Value] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ([JobInstanceId], [ItemID]) ) GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[JobInstanceRunParameter].[IX_JobInstance_1]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_JobInstance_1] ON [mig_director].[JobInstanceRunParameter]([JobInstanceId] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemID], [Name], [Value]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[BusinessEntity]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] ( [BusinessEntityId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [BusinessEntityName] VARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_BusinessEntity] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([BusinessEntityId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[Engine]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[Engine] ( [ProjectID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [DataServicesHash] CHAR (32) NOT NULL, [Commit] BIGINT NOT NULL, [CleanWorkspace] BIT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Engine] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ProjectID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] ( [ID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Name] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [IsDefault] BIT NOT NULL, [ExtensionType] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ExtensionClassName] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [ExtensionDisplayName] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [ParameterValues] XML NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExtensionUsage] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_garbage].[Log]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_garbage].[Log] ( [LogTime] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [TableName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Statement] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [Deleted] INT NOT NULL, [LastDeleteTime] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [Reported] INT NOT NULL, [LastReportTime] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [StartTime] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [EndTime] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [ErrorMessage] VARCHAR (MAX) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_LogDetail] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([LogTime] ASC, [TableName] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_garbage].[Log].[IX_Report]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Report] ON [mig_garbage].[Log]([LastReportTime] ASC, [LastDeleteTime] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Garbage]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Garbage] ( [_Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [InvalidatedTime] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Garbage] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([_Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Garbage].[UX_Garbage]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UX_Garbage] ON [mig_item].[Garbage]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Active]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Active] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Active] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC, [Step] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Active].[IX_Active_1]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Active_1] ON [mig_item].[Active]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Active].[IX_Active_2]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Active_2] ON [mig_item].[Active]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Active].[IX_Active_Unload]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Active_Unload] ON [mig_item].[Active]([Step] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [JobId], [JobInstanceId]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Audit]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Audit] ( [AuditId] BIGINT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Result] AS (case when [_ResultUncompressed] IS NULL then CONVERT([nvarchar](max),Decompress([_ResultCompressed])) else [_ResultUncompressed] end), [_ResultCompressed] VARBINARY(MAX) NULL, [_ResultUncompressed] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_Audit_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Audit] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([AuditId] ASC) ); GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Audit_Valid] ON [mig_item].[Audit]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Identity]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Identity] ( [EntityName] VARCHAR (64) NOT NULL, [TargetEntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [TargetFieldID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Xpath] VARCHAR (512) NOT NULL, [KeyString] NVARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, [NumberValue] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [StringValue] NVARCHAR(MAX) NULL, [GuidValue] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_Identity_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Identity].[IX_Identity]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Identity] ON [mig_item].[Identity]([KeyString] ASC, [Xpath] ASC, [TargetFieldID] ASC, [TargetEntityID] ASC, [EntityName] ASC) INCLUDE([NumberValue], [StringValue], [GuidValue]) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[SourceXml]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[SourceXml] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [XmlData] AS (case when [_XmlUncompressed] IS NULL then case when [_XmlCompressed] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([varchar](max),Decompress([_XmlCompressed])) end else [_XmlUncompressed] end), [NXmlData] AS (case when [_NXmlUncompressed] IS NULL then case when [_NXmlCompressed] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](max),Decompress([_NXmlCompressed])) end else [_NXmlUncompressed] end), [_XmlCompressed] VARBINARY (MAX) NULL, [_XmlUncompressed] VARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [_NXmlCompressed] VARBINARY (MAX) NULL, [_NXmlUncompressed] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_SourceXml_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_SourceXml] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[SourceXml].[IX_SourceXml_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SourceXml_Valid] ON [mig_item].[SourceXml]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[SavedString]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[SavedString] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [KeyValue] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [StringValue] NVARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_SavedString] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[SavedString].[IX_SavedString_KeyValue]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SavedString_KeyValue] ON [mig_item].[SavedString]([KeyValue] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[SavedString].[IX_SavedString_ItemId]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SavedString_ItemId] ON [mig_item].[SavedString]([ItemId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[SavedString].[IX_SavedString_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SavedString_Valid] ON [mig_item].[SavedString]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[RelationshipValue]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[RelationshipValue] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ItemPath] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [ValueType] TINYINT NOT NULL, [KeyValues] VARCHAR (512) NOT NULL, [FieldId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Value] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RelationshipValue] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC, [ItemId] ASC) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 80, PAD_INDEX = ON) ON [RelationshipScheme] ([ItemId]) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[RelationshipValue].[IX_RelationshipValue_GetValue]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RelationshipValue_GetValue] ON [mig_item].[RelationshipValue]([FieldId] ASC, [ItemPath] ASC, [KeyValues] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [JobId], [JobInstanceId], [Step], [Value]) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[RelationshipValue].[IX_RelationshipValue_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RelationshipValue_Valid] ON [mig_item].[RelationshipValue]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ItemPath] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [KeyValues] NVARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, [Bag] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [Property] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [Value] XML NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_RelationshipBagPropertyValue_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RelationshipBagPropertyValue] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC, [ItemId] ASC) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 80, PAD_INDEX = ON) ON [RelationshipScheme] ([ItemId]) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue].[X_RelationshipValue_GetValue]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RelationshipBagPropertyValue_GetValue] ON [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue]([Bag] ASC, [Property] ASC, [ItemPath] ASC, [KeyValues] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [JobId], [JobInstanceId], [Step], [Value]) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue].[IX_RelationshipBagPropertyValue_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RelationshipBagPropertyValue_Valid] ON [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[RelationshipKey]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[RelationshipKey] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ItemPath] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [KeyValues] VARCHAR (512) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RelationshipKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC, [ItemId] ASC) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 80, PAD_INDEX = ON) ON [RelationshipScheme] ([ItemId]) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[RelationshipKey].[IX_RelationshipKey_ForExists]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RelationshipKey_ForExists] ON [mig_item].[RelationshipKey]([ItemPath] ASC, [KeyValues] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [JobId], [JobInstanceId], [Step]) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[RelationshipKey].[IX_RelationshipKey_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RelationshipKey_Valid] ON [mig_item].[RelationshipKey]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Processed]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Processed] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ElapsedTicks] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Level] INT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Processed] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [Step] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Processed].[IX_Processed_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Processed_Valid] ON [mig_item].[Processed]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[MainKey]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[MainKey] ( [KeyId] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [BusinessEntityName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [KeyValue] NVARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_MainKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([KeyId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[MainKey].[IX_MainKey]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_MainKey] ON [mig_item].[MainKey]([KeyId] ASC, [BusinessEntityName] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[MainKey].[UX_MainKey]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UX_MainKey] ON [mig_item].[MainKey]([KeyValue] ASC, [BusinessEntityName] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[MainKey].[UX_MainKey_Covering]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UX_MainKey_Covering] ON [mig_item].[MainKey]([KeyId] ASC) INCLUDE([KeyValue], [BusinessEntityName]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[ItemSet]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[ItemSet] ( [_Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [SetId] INT NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Item_ItemSet] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([_Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Item]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Item] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [KeyId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Item_Item] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC) ); GO GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Item].[UX_Item_ItemIdJobId_KeyId]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UX_Item_ItemIdJobId_KeyId] ON [mig_item].[Item]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [KeyId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Item].[IX_Item_KeyId]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Item_KeyId] ON [mig_item].[Item]([KeyId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Item].[IX_Item_Cover]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Item_Cover] ON [mig_item].[Item]([ItemId] ASC) INCLUDE([KeyId], [PartitionValue]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Id]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Id] ( [ItemId] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [InvalidatedTime] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Id] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Id].[IX_Id]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Id] ON [mig_item].[Id]([ItemId] ASC) INCLUDE([InvalidatedTime]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Id].[IX_Id_valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Id_valid] ON [mig_item].[Id]([InvalidatedTime] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[ExportXml]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[ExportXml] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [XmlData] AS (case when [_XmlUncompressed] IS NULL then case when [_XmlCompressed] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([varchar](max),Decompress([_XmlCompressed])) end else [_XmlUncompressed] end), [NXmlData] AS (case when [_NXmlUncompressed] IS NULL then case when [_NXmlCompressed] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](max),Decompress([_NXmlCompressed])) end else [_NXmlUncompressed] end), [_XmlCompressed] VARBINARY (MAX) NULL, [_XmlUncompressed] VARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [_NXmlCompressed] VARBINARY (MAX) NULL, [_NXmlUncompressed] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportXml_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportXml] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportXml].[IX_ExportXml_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportXml_Valid] ON [mig_item].[ExportXml]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[ExportKey]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[ExportKey] ( [ExportID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [BreakFields] NVARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportKey_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ExportID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportKey].[IX_ExportKey_2]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportKey_2] ON [mig_item].[ExportKey]([ItemId] ASC) INCLUDE([EntityID]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportKey].[IX_ExportKey_Delete]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportKey_Delete] ON [mig_item].[ExportKey]([EntityID] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [ExportID] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportKey].[IX_ExportKey_1]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportKey_1] ON [mig_item].[ExportKey]([EntityID] ASC, [ItemId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportKey].[IX_ExportKey_3]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportKey_3] ON [mig_item].[ExportKey]([ExportID] ASC, [ItemId] ASC, [EntityID] ASC, [JobId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportKey].[IX_ExportKey_Delete_2]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportKey_Delete_2] ON [mig_item].[ExportKey]([EntityID] ASC) INCLUDE([ExportID], [ItemId], [JobId], [JobInstanceId], [CreationDate]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[ExportItem]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[ExportItem] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Result] TINYINT NOT NULL, [SourceKey] NVARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, [Commit] BIGINT NOT NULL, [CleanWorkspace] BIT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportItem_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ExportItem] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportItem].[IX_ExportItem_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportItem_Valid] ON [mig_item].[ExportItem]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC) INCLUDE([Result]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportItem].[IX_ExportItem_Unload]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportItem_Unload] ON [mig_item].[ExportItem]([Result] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [JobId], [JobInstanceId]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ExportItem].[IX_ExportItem_List]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ExportItem_List] ON [mig_item].[ExportItem]([JobId] ASC, [Result] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[Dependency]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[Dependency] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [DependentOnKeyId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Dependency] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Dependency].[UX_Dependency_1]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UX_Dependency_1] ON [mig_item].[Dependency]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC, [DependentOnKeyId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Dependency].[IX_Dependency_2]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Dependency_2] ON [mig_item].[Dependency]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[Dependency].[UX_Dependency_DependentOn]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [UX_Dependency_DependentOn] ON [mig_item].[Dependency]([DependentOnKeyId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[TargetXml]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[TargetXml] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NULL, [XmlData] AS (case when [_XmlUncompressed] IS NULL then case when [_XmlCompressed] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([varchar](max),Decompress([_XmlCompressed])) end else [_XmlUncompressed] end), [NXmlData] AS (case when [_NXmlUncompressed] IS NULL then case when [_NXmlCompressed] IS NULL then NULL else CONVERT([nvarchar](max),Decompress([_NXmlCompressed])) end else [_NXmlUncompressed] end), [_XmlCompressed] VARBINARY (MAX) NULL, [_XmlUncompressed] VARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [_NXmlCompressed] VARBINARY (MAX) NULL, [_NXmlUncompressed] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_TargetXml_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TargetXml] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[TargetXml].[IX_TargetXml_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_TargetXml_Valid] ON [mig_item].[TargetXml]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[ImportItem]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[ImportItem] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Result] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Commit] BIGINT NOT NULL, [CleanWorkspace] BIT NOT NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_ImportItem_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_ImportItem] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ImportItem].[IX_ImportItem_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ImportItem_Valid] ON [mig_item].[ImportItem]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC) INCLUDE([Result]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[ImportItem].[IX_ImportItem_Unload]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_ImportItem_Unload] ON [mig_item].[ImportItem]([Result] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [JobId], [JobInstanceId]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[EventUser]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[EventUser] ( [_RowId] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Engine] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Disposition] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Impact] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Receiver] TINYINT NOT NULL, [EventName] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [EventID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [EventTextID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ParameterXml] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [ParameterHash] BINARY(20) NOT NULL, [GroupHash] BINARY(20) NOT NULL, [XPath] VARCHAR (512) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_EventUser_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_EventUser] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([_RowId] ASC) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventUser].[IX_EventUser_EventList]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventUser_EventList] ON [mig_item].[EventUser]([Step] ASC, [Disposition] ASC, [Impact] ASC, [ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Engine] ASC, [EventID] ASC, [EventName] ASC, [Receiver] ASC, [EventTextID] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventUser].[IX_EventUser_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventUser_Valid] ON [mig_item].[EventUser]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC) INCLUDE([_RowId], [Disposition], [Impact], [Receiver], [EventName], [EventID], [EventTextID], [ParameterXml], [XPath], [CreationDate]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventUser].[IX_EventUser_Job]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventUser_Job] ON [mig_item].[EventUser]([JobId] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [Step], [Disposition], [Impact], [EventName], [EventID], [EventTextID]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventUser].[IX_EventUser_UpdateTracking]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventUser_UpdateTracking] ON [mig_item].[EventUser]([ItemId] ASC) INCLUDE([JobId], [JobInstanceId], [Step], [Engine], [Disposition], [Impact], [Receiver], [EventID], [ParameterXml], [ParameterHash]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_item].[EventSystem]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_item].[EventSystem] ( [_RowId] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [JobId] INT NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [Step] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Engine] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Disposition] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Impact] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Receiver] TINYINT NOT NULL, [Message] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [ParameterXml] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [ParameterHash] BINARY(20) NOT NULL, [GroupHash] BINARY(20) NOT NULL, [XPath] VARCHAR (512) NULL, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) CONSTRAINT [DF_EventSystem_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_EventSystem] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([_RowId] ASC) WITH (FILLFACTOR = 70, PAD_INDEX = ON) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventSystem].[IX_EventSystem]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventSystem] ON [mig_item].[EventSystem]([Step] ASC, [ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Disposition] ASC, [Impact] ASC, [Receiver] ASC, [Message] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventSystem].[IX_EventSystem_Valid]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventSystem_Valid] ON [mig_item].[EventSystem]([ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Step] ASC) INCLUDE([_RowId], [Disposition], [Impact], [Receiver], [Message], [ParameterXml], [XPath], [CreationDate]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventSystem].[IX_EventSystem_Job]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventSystem_Job] ON [mig_item].[EventSystem]([JobId] ASC) INCLUDE([ItemId], [Step], [Disposition], [Impact], [Message]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_item].[EventSystem].[IX_EventSystem_EventList]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventSystem_EventList] ON [mig_item].[EventSystem]([Step] ASC, [Disposition] ASC, [Impact] ASC, [ItemId] ASC, [JobId] ASC, [JobInstanceId] ASC, [Engine] ASC, [Receiver] ASC, [Message] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_profile].[Trace]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_profile].[Trace] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [TraceID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ParentTraceID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [FrameId] CHAR (32) NOT NULL, [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [TicksInclusive] BIGINT NOT NULL, [TicksExclusive] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Count] INT NOT NULL, [ItemPath] VARCHAR (1024) NULL, [CreationTime] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Profile_Trace] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_profile].[Trace].[IX_Profile_TraceID]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Profile_TraceID] ON [mig_profile].[Trace]([TraceID] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_profile].[Trace].[IX_Profile_Frame]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Profile_Frame] ON [mig_profile].[Trace]([JobInstanceId] ASC, [ItemId] ASC, [FrameId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_profile].[Job]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_profile].[Job] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [FrameId] CHAR (32) NOT NULL, [TicksInclusive] BIGINT NOT NULL, [TicksExclusive] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Count] INT NOT NULL, [CreationTime] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Profile_Job] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_profile].[Job].[IX_Profile_Job]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Profile_Job] ON [mig_profile].[Job]([JobInstanceId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_profile].[Item]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_profile].[Item] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [FrameId] CHAR (32) NOT NULL, [TicksInclusive] BIGINT NOT NULL, [TicksExclusive] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Count] INT NOT NULL, [CreationTime] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Profile_Item] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_profile].[Item].[IX_Profile_Item]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Profile_Item] ON [mig_profile].[Item]([JobInstanceId] ASC, [ItemId] ASC, [FrameId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_profile].[Frame]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_profile].[Frame] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [JobInstanceId] INT NOT NULL, [FrameId] CHAR (32) NOT NULL, [ParentFrameId] CHAR (32) NULL, [Location] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [CodeLocationID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProfilingType] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [Scope] VARCHAR (256) NOT NULL, [FullScope] VARCHAR (MAX) NOT NULL, [CreationTime] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Profile_Frame] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_profile].[Frame].[IX_Profile_Frame]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Profile_Frame] ON [mig_profile].[Frame]([JobInstanceId] ASC, [FrameId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[Log]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[Log] ( [LogId] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [MessageID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR (50) NULL, [LogType] INT NOT NULL, [LogTime] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [LogUser] NVARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, [Property] NVARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, [Before] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [After] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Log] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([LogId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[Log].[IX_Log_2]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Log_2] ON [mig_tracking].[Log]([MessageID] ASC, [EntityID] ASC, [PartitionValue] ASC, [LogId] DESC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[Log].[IX_Log_1]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Log_1] ON [mig_tracking].[Log]([MessageID] ASC, [EntityID] ASC, [LogId] DESC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[Parameter]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[Parameter] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ProjectType] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Name] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Value] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [Description] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount] ( [MessageID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [Time] DATETIME2 NOT NULL, [InstanceCount] BIGINT NOT NULL, [ItemCount] BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_PartitionEventCount] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([MessageID] ASC, [EntityID] ASC, [PartitionValue] ASC, [Time] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[RootItem]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[RootItem] ( [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [SourceKeyXml] XML NOT NULL, [SourceKey] AS (isnull(CONVERT([nvarchar](4000),[SourceKeyXml]),'')), [MigrationKeyXml] XML NOT NULL, [MigrationKey] AS (isnull(CONVERT([nvarchar](4000),[MigrationKeyXml]),'')), [IsExported] BIT NOT NULL, [IsImported] BIT NULL, [ExportID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [SourceCommit] BIGINT NOT NULL, [SourceCleanWorkspace] BIT NOT NULL, [TargetCommit] BIGINT NOT NULL, [TargetCleanWorkspace] BIT NOT NULL, [ExportJobId] INT NOT NULL, [ExportTime] DATETIME2 NOT NULL, [ImportJobId] INT NULL, [ImportTime] DATETIME2 NULL, [RunDate] DATETIME2 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RootItem] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItem].[IX_RootItem_MigrationKey]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RootItem_MigrationKey] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItem]([EntityID] ASC, [MigrationKey] ASC, [PartitionValue] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItem].[IX_RootItem_SourceKey]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RootItem_SourceKey] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItem]([EntityID] ASC, [SourceKey] ASC, [PartitionValue] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItem].[PXML_RootItem_MigrationKeyXml]...'; GO CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX [PXML_RootItem_MigrationKeyXml] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItem]([MigrationKeyXml]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItem].[PXML_RootItem_SourceKeyXml]...'; GO CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX [PXML_RootItem_SourceKeyXml] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItem]([SourceKeyXml]); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] ( [SourceItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [TargetItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [TargetEntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [RunDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RootItemLink] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([SourceItemId] ASC, [TargetItemId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink].[IX_RootItemLink_TargetEntityID]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RootItemLink_TargetEntityID] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink]([TargetEntityID] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink].[IX_RootItemLink_TargetItemId]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RootItemLink_TargetItemId] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink]([TargetItemId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[Statistic]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[Statistic] ( [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Time] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [Available] BIGINT NOT NULL, [ExpDiscarded] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Exported] BIGINT NOT NULL, [ImpDiscarded] BIGINT NOT NULL, [Imported] BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Statistic] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([PartitionValue] ASC, [EntityID] ASC, [Time] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[Baseline]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[Baseline] ( [BaselineId] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [Title] NVARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, [Time] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [IsCurrent] BIT NOT NULL, [Comment] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Baseline] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([BaselineId] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[EventParameter]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[EventParameter] ( [HashValue] BINARY (20) NOT NULL, [GroupHash] BINARY (20) NOT NULL, [Id] INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ParameterXml] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [RunDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_EventParameter] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([HashValue] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[EventParameter].[IX_EventParameter_Id]...'; GO CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventParameter_Id] ON [mig_tracking].[EventParameter]([Id] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[EventParameter].[IX_EventParameter_GroupHash]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EventParameter_GroupHash] ON [mig_tracking].[EventParameter]([GroupHash] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[RootEntityEvent]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[RootEntityEvent] ( [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, [MessageID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [ParameterHash] BINARY (20) NOT NULL, [GroupHash] BINARY (20) NOT NULL, [EventCount] BIGINT NOT NULL, [ItemCount] BIGINT NOT NULL, [RunDate] DATETIME2 NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [PK_RootEntityEvent] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([EntityID] ASC, [PartitionValue] ASC, [MessageID] ASC, [ParameterHash] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] ( [RowID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [MessageID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [EntityID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ItemId] BIGINT NOT NULL, [ParameterHash] BINARY (20) NOT NULL, [GroupHash] BINARY (20) NOT NULL, [EventCount] BIGINT NOT NULL, [RunDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_RootItemEvent] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([RowID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent].[IX_RootItemEvent_ItemId]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RootItemEvent_ItemId] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]([ItemId] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent].[IX_RootItemEvent]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RootItemEvent] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]([MessageID] ASC, [EntityID] ASC, [PartitionValue] ASC, [ItemId] ASC) INCLUDE([ParameterHash]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent].[IX_RootItemEvent_EntityID]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_RootItemEvent_EntityID] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]([EntityID] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_translation].[TranslationValuesetRow]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_translation].[TranslationValuesetRow] ( [Id] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ValuesetID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [PartitionValue] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [RowXml] XML NOT NULL, [ValidationCode] INT NOT NULL, [ValidationText] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL, [ModifiedAt] DATETIME NOT NULL, [ModifiedBy] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TranslationValuesetRow] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_translation].[TranslationValuesetRow].[IX_TranslationValuesetRow_ValusetID_Partitionvalue]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_TranslationValuesetRow_ValusetID_Partitionvalue] ON [mig_translation].[TranslationValuesetRow]([ValuesetID] ASC, [PartitionValue] ASC); GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_translation].[TranslationValueset]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_translation].[TranslationValueset] ( [ValuesetID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Readonly] BIT NOT NULL, [ValidatedAt] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TranslationValueset] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ValuesetID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_tracking].[AutomaticState]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_tracking].[AutomaticState] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_tracking].[AutomaticState]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_tracking].[MessageState]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_tracking].[MessageState] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_tracking].[vwMessageState]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_tracking].[ufGetAutomaticState]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_tracking].[ufGetAutomaticState] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_tracking].[ufGetAutomaticState]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_tracking].[UserState]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_tracking].[UserState] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_tracking].[UserState]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_tracking].[UserStateUpdate]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_tracking].[UserStateUpdate] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_tracking].[UserStateUpdate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_utility].[ParseGuids]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_utility].[ParseGuids] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_utility].[ParseGuids]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_utility].[ParseInfoList]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_utility].[ParseInfoList] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_utility].[ParseInfoList]; GO PRINT N'Creating Synonym [mig_utility].[ParseIntegers]...'; GO CREATE SYNONYM [mig_utility].[ParseIntegers] FOR [$(Utility)].[mig_utility].[ParseIntegers]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[ExportEntity]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ExportEntity] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Ignored]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[ExportEntity]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ExportEntity] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[DirectorOption]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[DirectorOption] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] ADD CONSTRAINT [ValuesetProvider_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline_BaselineCount]...'; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[Valueset_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[Valueset] ADD CONSTRAINT [Valueset_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[Concurrency]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[Concurrency] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[JobInstance]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstance] ADD DEFAULT (newid()) FOR [ClientID]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[JobInstance]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstance] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [DebugWait]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[JobInstance]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstance] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [ExecutionState]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[JobInstance]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstance] ADD DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [Result]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[JobInstance]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[JobInstance] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[Job]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[Job] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[ItemSet]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ItemSet] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [OrderDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[DF_ExportSourceFile_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportSourceFile_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[DF_ExportFormattedFile_LoadedCount]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportFormattedFile_LoadedCount] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [LoadedCount]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[DF_ExportFormattedFile_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_ExportFormattedFile_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[DF_JobData_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[JobData] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_JobData_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_director].[BusinessEntity]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_garbage].[Log]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_garbage].[Log] ADD DEFAULT 0 FOR [Deleted]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_garbage].[Log]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_garbage].[Log] ADD DEFAULT 0 FOR [Reported]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_item].[DF_Active_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[Active] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Active_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_item].[DF_SavedString_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[SavedString] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_SavedString_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_item].[RelationshipValue]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[RelationshipValue] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_item].[RelationshipKey]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[RelationshipKey] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_item].[Processed]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[Processed] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_item].[ItemSet]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[ItemSet] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint unnamed constraint on [mig_item].[Id]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[Id] ADD DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_item].[DF_Dependency_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_item].[Dependency] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Dependency_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_item].[DF_EventUser_CreationDate]...'; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_profile].[DF_Profile_Trace_CreationTime]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_profile].[Trace] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Profile_Trace_CreationTime] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationTime]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_profile].[DF_Profile_Job_CreationTime]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_profile].[Job] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Profile_Job_CreationTime] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationTime]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_profile].[DF_Profile_Item_CreationTime]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_profile].[Item] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Profile_Item_CreationTime] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationTime]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_profile].[DF_Profile_Frame_CreationTime]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_profile].[Frame] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Profile_Frame_CreationTime] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationTime]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_tracking].[DF_BaselineStatistic_CreationDate]...'; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_tracking].[DF_Baseline_IsCurrent]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_tracking].[Baseline] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Baseline_IsCurrent] DEFAULT ((0)) FOR [IsCurrent]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_translation].[DF_TranslationValuesetRow_ValidationCode]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_translation].[TranslationValuesetRow] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_TranslationValuesetRow_ValidationCode] DEFAULT 0 FOR [ValidationCode]; GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_translation].[DF_TranslationValueset_Readonly]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_translation].[TranslationValueset] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_TranslationValueset_Readonly] DEFAULT 0 FOR [Readonly]; GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_tracking].[EventSystem]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_tracking].[EventSystem] as select A.* , C.[PartitionValue] from [mig_item].[EventSystem] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] inner join [mig_item].[Item] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] -- Do not include JobId and JobInstanceId in join. They will always reflect only the export job inner join [mig_item].[Id] as D on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] where D.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_tracking].[EventUser]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_tracking].[EventUser] as select A.* , C.[PartitionValue] from [mig_item].[EventUser] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] inner join [mig_item].[Item] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] -- Do not include JobId and JobInstanceId in join. They will always reflect only export job inner join [mig_item].[Id] as D on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] where D.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_tracking].[VwRootItem]...'; GO create view [mig_tracking].[VwRootItem] as select A.[ItemId] , B.[PartitionValue] , D.[EntityID] , D.[BreakFields] as [SourceKey] , C.[KeyValue] as [MigrationKey] , case E.Result when 0 then 1 else 0 end as [IsExported] , case when F.Result is null then null when F.Result = 2 then 1 else 0 end as [IsImported] , D.[ExportID] , E.[Commit] as [SourceCommit] , E.[CleanWorkSpace] as [SourceCleanWorkspace] , isnull(F.[Commit], 0) as [TargetCommit] , isnull(F.[CleanWorkSpace], 0) as [TargetCleanWorkspace] , E.[JobId] as [ExportJobId] , EE.[CreationDate] as [ExportTime] , F.[JobId] as [ImportJobId] , FF.[CreationDate] as [ImportTime] from [mig_item].[Id] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[Item] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as C with (NoLock) on B.[KeyId] = C.[KeyId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as E with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = E.[ItemId] inner join [mig_director].[JobInstance] as EE with (NoLock) on E.[JobInstanceId] = EE.[Id] left outer join [mig_item].[ImportItem] as F with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = F.[ItemId] and F.[JobId] >= E.[JobId] left outer join [mig_director].[JobInstance] as FF with (NoLock) on F.[JobInstanceId] = FF.[Id] where A.[InvalidatedTime] is null and E.[Result] <> 1 -- 1: Dropped GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_utility].[ItemKey]...'; GO create view [mig_utility].[ItemKey] as select A.[ItemId] , A.[EntityID] , D.[EntityName] , E.[BusinessEntityName] , C.[KeyValue] , convert(xml, C.[KeyValue]) as [KeyValueXml] from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A inner join [mig_item].[Item] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as C on B.[KeyId] = C.[KeyId] inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as D on A.[EntityID] = D.[EntityID] inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as E on D.[BusinessEntityID] = E.[BusinessEntityID] GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[RelationshipValue]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[RelationshipValue] as -- All Relationships created by the initializer -- have ItemId = 0. select A.* from [mig_item].[RelationshipValue] as A left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] where A.[ItemId] = 0 -- Initializer or B.[ItemId] is not null -- Other GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[RelationshipPropertyValue]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue] as -- All Relationships created by the initializer -- have ItemId = 0. select A.* from [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue] as A left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] where A.[ItemId] = 0 -- Initializer or B.[ItemId] is not null -- Other GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[RelationshipKey]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[RelationshipKey] as -- All Relationships created by the initializer -- have ItemId = 0. select A.* from [mig_item].[RelationshipKey] as A left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] where A.[ItemId] = 0 -- Initializer or B.[ItemId] is not null -- Other GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[Item]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[Item] as select A.* from [mig_item].[Item] as A inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[ExportItem]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[ExportItem] as select A.* from [mig_item].[ExportItem] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[Step] = 0 -- Export and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[EventUser]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[EventUser] as select A.* from [mig_item].[EventUser] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[EventSystem]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[EventSystem] as select A.* from [mig_item].[EventSystem] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[Dependency]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[Dependency] as select A.* from [mig_item].[Dependency] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[ImportItem]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[ImportItem] as select A.* from [mig_item].[ImportItem] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[Step] = 1 -- Conversion and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[SavedString]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[SavedString] as select A.* from [mig_item].[SavedString] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[TargetXml]...'; GO CREATE VIEW [mig_valid].[TargetXml] AS select A.[ItemId] , B.[PartitionValue] , A.[CreationDate] , A.[XmlData] , A.[NXmlData] from [mig_item].[TargetXml] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_valid].[Item] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where A.[XmlData] is not null or A.[NXmlData] is not null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[ExportXml]...'; GO CREATE VIEW [mig_valid].[ExportXml] AS select A.[ItemId] , B.[PartitionValue] , A.[CreationDate] , A.[XmlData] , A.[NXmlData] from [mig_item].[ExportXml] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_valid].[Item] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where A.[XmlData] is not null or A.[NXmlData] is not null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_valid].[SourceXml]...'; GO CREATE VIEW [mig_valid].[SourceXml] AS select A.[ItemId] , B.[PartitionValue] , A.[CreationDate] , A.[XmlData] , A.[NXmlData] from [mig_item].[SourceXml] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_valid].[Item] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where A.[XmlData] is not null or A.[NXmlData] is not null GO PRINT N'Creating View [mig_tracking].[VwRootItemLink]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_tracking].[VwRootItemLink] as select D.[ItemId] AS [ParentItemId] , A.[ItemId] as [ChildItemId] , B.[EntityID] as [ChildEntityID] from [mig_valid].[Dependency] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[DependentOnKeyId] = C.[KeyId] inner join [mig_valid].[Item] as D with (NoLock) on C.[KeyId] = D.[KeyId] GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_director].[TranslateImportResult]...'; GO CREATE FUNCTION [mig_director].[TranslateImportResult]( @result tinyint ) returns varchar(50) AS begin return case @result when 0 then 'None' when 1 then 'Import Failure' when 2 then 'Import Success' end end GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_director].[TranslateExecutionState]...'; GO CREATE function [mig_director].[TranslateExecutionState]( @executionState int ) returns varchar(50) AS begin return case @executionState when -1 then '' when 0 then 'Pending' when 1 then 'Running' when 2 then 'Completed' when 3 then 'Cancelled' when 4 then 'Aborted' end end GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_director].[CalculateElapsedSeconds]...'; GO CREATE FUNCTION [mig_director].[CalculateElapsedSeconds] ( @timeStart datetime2(7) , @timeEnd datetime2(7) , @executionState tinyint , @now datetime2(7) ) returns int as begin return case when @timeStart is null then null when @timeEnd is null then case when @executionState = 1 then datediff(second, @timeStart, @now)-- Running else null end else datediff(second, @timeStart, @timeEnd) end end GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_director].[DefaultSmartText]...'; GO create FUNCTION [mig_director].[DefaultSmartText]( @xml xml ) returns nvarchar(max) with schemabinding as begin return isnull(@xml.value('(*/text[@language = ''EN''])[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'), @xml.value('(*/text)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')) end GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_garbage].[BuildStatement]...'; GO CREATE function [mig_garbage].[BuildStatement]( @seed varchar(max) , @tableName varchar(50) ) returns varchar(max) as begin declare @stmnt varchar(max) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Id table controls everything. If an Item is invalidated here it means it is no longer exported ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if 'Id' = @tableName begin set @stmnt = ' [mig_item].[' + @tableName +'] as A' + char(13) + ' where' + char(13) + ' A.[InvalidatedTime] < @newest' end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- These tables are all 'singletons' = only 1 row per item ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else if @tableName in ('Item', 'Active', 'ExportItem', 'ImportItem', 'SourceXml', 'ExportXml', 'TargetXml') begin set @stmnt = ' [mig_item].[' + @tableName +'] as A' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Id] as B' + char(13) + ' on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId]' + char(13) + ' where' + char(13) + ' (' + char(13) + ' B.[ItemId] is null' + char(13) + ' or B.[InvalidatedTime] < @newest' + char(13) + ' )' if 'Active' = @tableName begin set @stmnt = @stmnt + char(13) + ' and A.[ItemId] > 0 -- Keep Active row from Initializer' end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The garbage table is collected last ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else if @tableName = 'Garbage' begin set @stmnt = ' [mig_item].[' + @tableName +'] as A' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as B' + char(13) + ' on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[JobId] = A.[JobId] and B.[JobInstanceId] = A.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step]' + char(13) + ' where' + char(13) + ' A.[InvalidatedTime] < @newest' + char(13) + ' and B.[ItemId] is null' end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Special care in Relationhip tables to preserve relationships created by Initializer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else if @tableName in ('RelationshipKey', 'RelationshipValue', 'RelationshipBagPropertyValue') begin set @stmnt = ' [mig_item].[' + @tableName +'] as A' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Garbage] as B' + char(13) + ' on B.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and B.[JobId] = A.[JobId] and B.[JobInstanceId] = A.[JobInstanceId] and B.[Step] = A.[Step]' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Id] as C' + char(13) + ' on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId]' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as D' + char(13) + ' on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = D.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = D.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = D.[Step]' + char(13) + ' where' + char(13) + ' -- Other relationships' + char(13) + ' A.[ItemId] > 0' + char(13) + ' and' + char(13) + ' (' + char(13) + ' B.[InvalidatedTime] < @newest' + char(13) + ' or (C.[ItemId] is null or C.[InvalidatedTime] < @newest)' + char(13) + ' )' + char(13) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The remaing tables contains real Garbage = More than 1 row per Item, recreated every time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else begin set @stmnt = ' [mig_item].[' + @tableName +'] as A' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Garbage] as B' + char(13) + ' on B.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and B.[JobId] = A.[JobId] and B.[JobInstanceId] = A.[JobInstanceId] and B.[Step] = A.[Step]' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Id] as C' + char(13) + ' on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId]' + char(13) + ' left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as D' + char(13) + ' on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = D.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = D.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = D.[Step]' + char(13) + ' where' + char(13) + ' B.[InvalidatedTime] < @newest' + char(13) + ' or (C.[ItemId] is null or C.[InvalidatedTime] < @newest)' end return @seed + char(13)+ 'from' + char(13) + @stmnt end GO PRINT N'Creating Table [mig_director].[SmartText]...'; GO CREATE TABLE [mig_director].[SmartText] ( [ItemID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Xml] XML NOT NULL, [DefaultText] AS ([mig_director].[DefaultSmartText]([xml])) PERSISTED, [CreationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, [CreatedBy] VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, [ModificationDate] DATETIME2 (7) NULL, [ModifiedBy] VARCHAR (50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_SmartText] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ItemID] ASC) ); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[SmartText].[IX_SmartText_Xml]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SmartText_Xml] ON [mig_director].[SmartText]([ItemID] ASC) INCLUDE([Xml]); GO PRINT N'Creating Index [mig_director].[SmartText].[IX_SmartText_Default]...'; GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_SmartText_Default] ON [mig_director].[SmartText]([ItemID] ASC) INCLUDE([DefaultText]); GO PRINT N'Creating Default Constraint [mig_director].[DF_SmartText_CreationDate]...'; GO ALTER TABLE [mig_director].[SmartText] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_SmartText_CreationDate] DEFAULT (sysdatetime()) FOR [CreationDate]; GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_director].[_Export_Statistics]...'; GO CREATE function [mig_director].[_Export_Statistics]() returns table as -- The function is used from the Director Entity list, where SplitValue is not needed. -- This is why the join towards mig_valid.Item is an outer join return ( with list as ( select B.[PartitionValue] , C.[EntityID] , count(*) as [Count] , sum( case when E.Result is null then 0 else 1 end ) as [Processed] , sum( case when isnull(E.Result, 10) = 0 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Exported] , sum( case when isnull(E.Result, 10) = 1 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Dropped] , sum( case when isnull(E.Result, 10) = 2 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Discarded] from [mig_item].[Id] as A with (NoLock) left outer join [mig_item].[Item] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] left outer join [mig_valid].[Item] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] left outer join [mig_valid].[ExportItem] as E with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = E.[ItemId] where A.[InvalidatedTime] is null group by B.[PartitionValue] , C.[EntityID] ) select C.[PartitionValue] , A.[EntityID] , 1 as [Ready] , B.[BusinessEntityName] , A.[EntityName] , C.[Count] , C.[Exported] , C.[Dropped] , C.[Discarded] , C.[Count] - C.[Processed] as [Difference] from [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as B with (NoLock) on A.[BusinessEntityID] = B.[BusinessEntityID] left outer join list as C on A.[EntityID] = C.[EntityID] ) GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_director].[_Import_Statistics]...'; GO CREATE function [mig_director].[_Import_Statistics]() returns table as return ( with list as ( select B.[PartitionValue] , C.[EntityID] , count(*) as [Count] , sum( case when E.Result is null then 0 else 1 end ) as [Processed] , sum( case when isnull(E.Result, 10) = 2 then 1 -- 2:Success else 0 end ) as [Imported] , sum( case when isnull(E.Result, 10) < 2 then 1 -- 0:None, 1:ImportFailure else 0 end ) as [Discarded] from [mig_item].[Id] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[Item] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and D.[Result] = 0 -- 0:Exported left outer join [mig_item].[ImportItem] as E with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = E.[ItemId] and E.[JobId] >= D.[JobId] where A.[InvalidatedTime] is null group by B.[PartitionValue] , C.[EntityID] ) select C.[PartitionValue] , A.[EntityID] , B.[BusinessEntityName] , A.[EntityName] , C.[Count] , C.[Imported] , C.[Discarded] , C.[Count] - C.[Processed] as [Difference] from [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as B with (NoLock) on A.[BusinessEntityID] = B.[BusinessEntityID] left outer join list as C on A.[EntityID] = C.[EntityID] where A.[IsPresent] = 1 and A.[Ignored] = 0 ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenSummary]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenSummary] as select [Tag] , [ProcessName] , count(*) as [Count] , avg([Attempts]) as AverageAttempts , max([Attempts]) as MaxAttempts from [mig_concurrency].[Token] where [ProcessId] is not null group by [Tag] , [ProcessName] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenRelease]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenRelease] @tokenId int as update [mig_concurrency].[Token] with (RowLock) set [ProcessId] = null , [ProcessName] = null , [Attempts] = null where [Id] = @tokenId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenRequest]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenRequest] @tagId tinyint , @pId int , @pName varchar(50) , @timeout int as declare @attempts int = 0 declare @success bit = 0 declare @id table([Id] int) declare @endTime datetime2(7) = dateadd(ms, @timeout, sysdatetime()) while 0 = @success and (0 = @attempts or sysdatetime() < @endTime) begin set @attempts = @attempts + 1 update top(1) [mig_concurrency].[Token] with (RowLock) set [ProcessId] = @pId , [ProcessName] = @pName , [Attempts] = @attempts output inserted.Id into @id where [TagId] = @tagId and [Available] = 1 and [ProcessId] is null if 0 = @@rowcount begin waitfor delay '00:00:00.2' -- Concurrency Token Idle end else begin set @success = 1 end end select top(1) [Id] from @id GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenClearOrphans]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenClearOrphans] @runningPIdList varchar(max) as declare @runningPIds table([PId] int) insert @runningPIds select CONVERT(int, [Value]) from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@runningPIdList, ',') update [mig_concurrency].[Token] with (RowLock) set [ProcessId] = null , [ProcessName] = null , [Attempts] = null from [mig_concurrency].[Token] as A left outer join @runningPIds as B on A.[ProcessId] = B.[PId] where B.[PId] is null GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenSetLimit]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenSetLimit] @tagId tinyint , @tagName varchar(50) , @limit int as declare @diff int declare @current int = ( select count(*) from [mig_concurrency].[Token] with (NoLock) where [TagId] = @tagId and [Available] = 1 ) if @current < @limit begin set @diff = @limit - @current -- First make any existing, unavailable tokens available update top(@diff) [mig_concurrency].[Token] with (RowLock) set [Available] = 1 where [TagId] = @tagId and [Available] = 0 set @diff = @diff - @@rowcount -- If not enough insert new tokens for remainder while 0 < @diff begin insert [mig_concurrency].[Token] with (RowLock) ( TagId , Tag , [Available] ) values ( @tagId , @tagName , 1 ) set @diff = @diff - 1 end end else begin set @diff = @current - @limit update top(@diff) [mig_concurrency].[Token] with (RowLock) set [Available] = 0 where [TagId] = @tagId and [Available] = 1 end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenClearAll]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_concurrency].[TokenClearAll] as truncate table [mig_concurrency].[Token] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[EntityNames_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[EntityNames_List] as select A.[EntityID] , A.[EntityName] , A.[BusinessEntityID] , B.[BusinessEntityName] , A.[Ignored] , A.[IsPresent] , convert(bit, case when exists (select top(1) 1 from [mig_item].[ExportKey] where [EntityID] = A.[EntityID]) then 1 else 0 end) as [HasItems] from [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as A inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as B on A.[BusinessEntityId] = B.[BusinessEntityId] order by A.[EntityName] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider_List]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider_List] as select [ItemID] , [Xml] from [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] where [Present] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider_InsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider_InsertOrUpdate] @projectID uniqueidentifier , @projectType varchar(50) , @itemID uniqueidentifier , @name varchar(50) , @xml xml , @user varchar(50) AS update [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] set [ProjectType] = @projectType , [Name] = @name , [Xml] = @xml , [Present] = 1 , [ModificationDate] = sysdatetime() , [ModifiedBy] = @user where [ItemID] = @itemID and [ProjectID] = @projectID if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert into [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] ( [ItemID] , [ProjectID] , [ProjectType] , [Name] , [Xml] , [Present] , [CreatedBy] ) values ( @itemID , @projectID , @projectType , @name , @xml , 1 , @user ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_Update]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Valueset_Update] @projectID uniqueidentifier , @itemID uniqueidentifier , @rowCount int = null , @user varchar(50) = null AS update [mig_director].[Valueset] set [LastUpdateDate] = case when @rowCount is null then null else sysdatetime() end , [LastUpdateBy] = @user , [RowCount] = @rowCount where [ProjectID] = @projectID and [ItemID] = @itemID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_SaveBaseline]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_SaveBaseline] @source bit = 0 as declare @baselines table( [ItemID] uniqueidentifier , [ProjectID] uniqueidentifier , [RowCount] bigint , [Present] bit ) insert @baselines select [ItemID] , [ProjectID] , [RowCount] , [Present] from [mig_director].[Valueset] where (@source = 0 and [ProjectType] <> 'Source') or (@source = 1 and [ProjectType] = 'Source') delete from [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline] from [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline] as A inner join @baselines as B on A.[ItemID] = B.[ItemID] and A.[ProjectID] = B.[ProjectID] insert [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline] ( [ItemID] , [ProjectID] , [BaselineCount] ) select [ItemID] , [ProjectID] , [RowCount] from @baselines where [RowCount] is not null and [Present] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_List]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Valueset_List] @projectTypes xml = null as ;with vs as ( select A.[ItemID] , A.[Name] , A.[ProjectID] , A.[ProjectType] , A.[SchemaName] , A.[ValuesetType] , A.[LastUpdateDate] , A.[LastUpdateBy] , A.[RowCount] as [Count] , C.[BaselineCount] as [Baseline] from [mig_director].[Valueset] as A inner join [mig_director].[Engine] as B on A.[ProjectID] = B.[ProjectID] left outer join [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline] as C on A.[ItemID] = C.[ItemID] where A.[Present] = 1 ) , projectTypes as ( select [Value] collate Latin1_General_CI_AS as [ProjectType] from [mig_utility].[ParseInfoList](@projectTypes) ) select A.* from vs as A left outer join projectTypes as B on A.[ProjectType] = B.[ProjectType] where (@projectTypes is null or B.[ProjectType] is not null) order by A.[Name] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_InsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_InsertOrUpdate] ( @itemID uniqueidentifier , @name varchar(50) , @schema varchar(50) , @projectID uniqueidentifier , @projectType varchar(50) , @valuesetType tinyint , @providerID uniqueidentifier = null , @dataServicesUsage XML = null , @createTableSql varchar(max) , @columns xml , @user varchar(50) ) as declare @updated table([CreateTableSql] varchar(max) collate Latin1_General_CS_AS) -- Collate to ensure case-sensitive comparison -- First on ItemID update [mig_director].[Valueset] set [ProjectType] = @projectType , [SchemaName] = @schema , [Name] = @name , [ValuesetType] = @valuesetType , [ProviderID] = @providerID , [DataServicesUsage] = @dataServicesUsage , [CreateTableSql] = @createTableSql , [Columns] = @columns , [RowCount] = case when [ValuesetType] = @valuesetType then [RowCount] else null end , [Present] = 1 , [ModificationDate] = sysdatetime() , [ModifiedBy] = @user output deleted.[CreateTableSql] into @updated where [ProjectID] = @projectID and [ItemID] = @itemID if 0 = @@rowCount begin -- Then on Name update [mig_director].[Valueset] set [ItemID] = @itemID , [ProjectType] = @projectType , [SchemaName] = @schema -- To handle case only difference , [Name] = @name -- To handle case only difference , [ValuesetType] = @valuesetType , [ProviderID] = @providerID , [DataServicesUsage] = @dataServicesUsage , [CreateTableSql] = @createTableSql , [Columns] = @columns , [RowCount] = case when [ValuesetType] = @valuesetType then [RowCount] else null end , [Present] = 1 , [ModificationDate] = sysdatetime() , [ModifiedBy] = @user output deleted.[CreateTableSql] into @updated where [ProjectID] = @projectID and [Name] = @name and [SchemaName] = @schema if 0 = @@rowCount begin -- Only now insert insert [mig_director].[Valueset] ( [ItemID] , [Name] , [SchemaName] , [ProjectID] , [ProjectType] , [ValuesetType] , [ProviderID] , [DataServicesUsage] , [CreateTableSql] , [Columns] , [Present] , [CreationDate] , [CreatedBy] ) values ( @itemID , @name , @schema , @projectID , @projectType , @valuesetType , @providerID , @dataServicesUsage , @createTableSql , @columns , 1 , sysdatetime() , @user ) end end -- Return true if create sql has changed / is new select cast( case when (select top(1) [CreateTableSql] from @updated) = @createTableSql then 0 else 1 end as bit) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_Fetch]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Valueset_Fetch] @projectId uniqueidentifier , @itemId uniqueidentifier as select A.[ValuesetType] , A.[ProviderID] , A.[DataServicesUsage] , A.[Columns] , A.[SchemaName] , A.[Name] , B.[Xml] from [mig_director].[Valueset] as A left outer join [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] as B on A.[ProjectID] = B.[ProjectID] and A.[ProviderID] = B.[ItemID] where A.ItemId = @itemId and A.[ProjectID] = @projectId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Import_Entity_StatusList]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Import_Entity_StatusList] as select [EntityID] , [BusinessEntityName] , [EntityName] , sum([Count]) as [Exported] , sum([Discarded]) as [Discarded] , sum([Imported]) as [Imported] , sum([Difference]) as [Difference] from [mig_director].[_Import_Statistics]() group by [EntityID] , [BusinessEntityName] , [EntityName] order by [BusinessEntityName] , [EntityName] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Concurrency_Set]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Concurrency_Set]( @tag varchar(50) , @limit smallint = null ) as if @limit is null begin delete from [mig_director].[Concurrency] where [Tag] = @tag end else begin update [mig_director].[Concurrency] set [Limit] = @limit where [Tag] = @tag if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_director].[Concurrency] ( [Tag] , [Limit] ) values ( @tag , @limit ) end end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Concurrency_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Concurrency_List] as select [Tag] , [Limit] from [mig_director].[Concurrency] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Command_MarkExecuted]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Command_MarkExecuted] @commandId bigint , @elapsed bigint , @syncResult nvarchar(max) = null , @syncError bit AS update [mig_director].[Command] set [EndExecutionDate] = sysdatetime() , [Elapsed] = @elapsed , [SyncResult] = @syncResult , [SyncError] = @syncError where [CommandId] = @commandId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Command_Insert]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Command_Insert] ( @commandType nvarchar(50) , @parameters xml , @user nvarchar(50) ) AS insert [mig_director].[Command] ( [CommandType] , [Parameters] , [CreatedBy] ) values ( @commandType , @parameters , @user ) select convert(bigint, scope_identity()) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Command_GetResult]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Command_GetResult] @commandId bigint , @executionDate datetime2(7) = null output , @syncResult nvarchar(max) = null output , @syncError bit = null output AS select @executionDate = [EndExecutionDate] , @syncResult = [SyncResult] , @syncError = [SyncError] from [mig_director].[Command] where [CommandId] = @commandId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Command_ConsumeForExecution]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Command_ConsumeForExecution] AS begin transaction -- Get the new commands select [CommandId] , [CommandType] , [Parameters] , [CreatedBy] into #commands from [mig_director].[Command] WITH (UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK, READPAST) where [StartExecutionDate] is null order by [CreationDate] -- mark the new commads as processing (so we don't get them next time around) -- Using temp table in order not to delete any new commands just inserted after the select update [mig_director].[Command] set [StartExecutionDate] = sysdatetime() where [CommandId] in (select [CommandId] from #commands) commit transaction select * from #commands GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Command_CleanUp]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Command_CleanUp] AS -- cleanup (leave only 1000 newest and all unexecuted commands) delete from [mig_director].[Command] where [EndExecutionDate] is not null and [CommandId] < ( select min([CommandId]) from ( select top 1000 [CommandId] , 'c' as [Constant] from [mig_director].[Command] order by [CommandId] desc ) as T group by [Constant] ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[_ItemSet_SetReady]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[_ItemSet_SetReady]( @setId int , @itemCount int ) as update [mig_director].[ItemSet] set [ReadyDate] = sysdatetime() , [ItemCount] = @itemCount where [SetId] = @setId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[_ItemSet_Insert]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[_ItemSet_Insert]( @type varchar(50) , @source varchar(max) , @setId int output ) as insert [mig_director].[ItemSet] ( [Type] , [Source] ) values ( @type , @source ) set @setId = scope_identity() GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_MarkNotPresent]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_MarkNotPresent] as update [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] set [IsPresent] = 0 update [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] set [IsPresent] = 0 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_GetColumns]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_GetColumns] @itemID uniqueidentifier as select [ColumnsXml] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] where [ItemID] = @itemID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_InsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_InsertOrUpdate] @itemID uniqueidentifier , @viewSchema varchar(50) , @viewName varchar(50) , @columnsXml xml , @testableQuery nvarchar(max) , @wasCreated bit AS declare @queryChanged bit declare @old table([TestableQuery] nvarchar(max) collate Latin1_General_CS_AS) -- Collate to ensure case-sensitive comparison update [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] set [ViewSchema] = @viewSchema , [ViewName] = @viewName , [ColumnsXml] = @columnsXml , [LoadedCount] = case @wasCreated when 1 then null else [LoadedCount] end , [LoadedElapsedTicks] = case @wasCreated when 1 then null else [LoadedElapsedTicks] end , [LoadedDate] = case @wasCreated when 1 then null else [LoadedDate] end , [IsPresent] = 1 , [TestableQuery] = @testableQuery , [AcceptedQueryPlan] = case when [TestableQuery] = @testableQuery then [AcceptedQueryPlan] else null end , [OptimizeIterations] = case when [TestableQuery] = @testableQuery then [OptimizeIterations] else null end , [OptimizeDate] = case when [TestableQuery] = @testableQuery then [OptimizeDate] else null end output deleted.[TestableQuery] into @old where [ItemID] = @itemID if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] ( [ItemID] , [ViewSchema] , [ViewName] , [ColumnsXml] , [TestableQuery] , [IsPresent] ) values ( @itemID , @viewSchema , @viewName , @columnsXml , @testableQuery , 1 ) set @queryChanged = 1 end else begin select @queryChanged = case when [TestableQuery] = @testableQuery then 0 else 1 end from @old end select @queryChanged GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_DependencyInsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_DependencyInsertOrUpdate] ( @viewID uniqueidentifier , @itemID uniqueidentifier , @sourceType varchar(50) ) as update [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] set [IsPresent] = 1 where [ViewID] = @viewID and [DependentOnID] = @itemID and [SourceType] = @sourceType if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] ( [ViewID] , [DependentOnID] , [SourceType] , [IsPresent] ) values ( @viewID , @itemID , @sourceType , 1 ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_StatusList]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_StatusList] @fullName nvarchar(50) = null as set NoCount off -- Used to return the number of affected records -- Get dependencies to ExportEntities in order to filter out tables used by entitiesnot in scope select B.[FullName] , A.[EntityID] from [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] as B on A.[SourceID] = B.[ItemID] where B.[IsPresent] = 1 and A.SourceType = 'Table' declare @tables table( [ItemID] uniqueidentifier , [FullName] varchar(100) , [TableSchema] varchar(50) , [TableName] varchar(50) , [ReformatExtensionID] uniqueidentifier , [BaselineCount] int null , [LoadedCount] int null , [ForceInScope] bit , primary key ([FullName]) ) declare @guidEmpty uniqueidentifier = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' insert into @tables select A.[ItemID] , A.[FullName] , A.[TableSchema] , A.[TableName] , isnull(A.[ReformatExtensionID], @guidEmpty) , B.[BaselineCount] , A.[LoadedCount] , A.[ForceInScope] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] as A left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] where (@fullName is null or @fullName = A.[FullName]) and A.[IsPresent] = 1 select [ItemID] , [FullName] , [TableSchema] , [TableName] , [ReformatExtensionID] , 0 as [FileCount] , convert(datetime, null) as [FileDate] , convert(datetime, null) as [FormattedFileDate] , convert(datetime, null) as [LoadedFileDate] , convert(datetime, null) as [LoadedDate] , [LoadedCount] , [BaselineCount] , convert(bit, 1) as [Ready] , [ForceInScope] , convert(bit, 0) as [InScope] from @tables select B.FullName as [FullName_Received] , B.[FileName] , A.[TableName] as[SourceTableName] , A.[FullName] as [SourceTableFullName] , isnull(C.[FullName], '') as [FullName_Formatted] , isnull(B.[ReformatExtensionID], @guidEmpty) as [ReformatExtensionID] , B.[FileDate] as [FileDate] , C.[FileDate] as [FormattedFileDate] , C.[DateOfLoadedFile] , C.[LoadedDate] , isnull(C.[LoadedCount], 0) as [LoadedCount] , 1 as [Ready] from @tables as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] as B on lower(A.[FullName]) = lower(B.[SourceTableFullName]) and B.[FileDate] is not null left outer join [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] as C on B.[FileName] = C.[FileName] and C.[FileDate] is not null select [ID] , [Name] , [IsDefault] from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] where [ExtensionType] = 1 -- 1: Reformatter GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetReformat]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetReformat] @fullName nvarchar(50) , @reformatExtensionID uniqueidentifier = null as update [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] set [ReformatExtensionID] = @reformatExtensionID where [FullName] = @fullName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetLoaded]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetLoaded] ( @fullName varchar(100) , @loadedCount int ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] set [LoadedCount] = @loadedCount where [FullName] = @fullName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetBaseline]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetBaseline] as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() delete from [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] and (B.[LoadedCount] is null or B.[IsPresent] = 0) update [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] set [BaselineCount] = B.[LoadedCount] , [ModificationDate] = @now from [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] insert [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] ( [TableSchema] , [TableName] , [BaselineCount] , [CreationDate] ) select A.[TableSchema] , A.[TableName] , A.[LoadedCount] , @now from [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] as A left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] where B.[FullName] is null and A.[LoadedCount] is not null and A.[IsPresent] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_MarkNotPresent]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_MarkNotPresent] as update [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] set [IsPresent] = 0 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_GetColumns]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_GetColumns] @itemID uniqueidentifier as select [ColumnsXml] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] where [ItemID] = @itemID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_InsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_InsertOrUpdate] @itemID uniqueidentifier , @tableSchema varchar(50) , @tableName varchar(50) , @columnsXml xml , @wasCreated bit AS update [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] set [TableSchema] = @tableSchema , [ColumnsXml] = @columnsXml , [LoadedCount] = case @wasCreated when 1 then null else [LoadedCount] end , [IsPresent] = 1 , [ItemID] = @itemID where [ItemID] = @itemID if 0 = @@rowCount begin declare @reformatExtensionID uniqueidentifier select top(1) @reformatExtensionID = [ID] from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] where [ExtensionType] = 1 -- 1: Reformatter and [IsDefault] = 1 insert [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] ( [ItemID] , [TableSchema] , [TableName] , [ColumnsXml] , [ReformatExtensionID] , [LoadedCount] , [IsPresent] ) values ( @itemID , @tableSchema , @tableName , @columnsXml , @reformatExtensionID , null , 1 ) end if 1 = @wasCreated begin update [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] set [LoadedCount] = 0 , [LoadedDate] = null , [DateOfLoadedFile] = null from [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] as B on A.[FileName] = B.[FileName] and B.[SourceTableFullName] = @tableSchema + '.' + @tableName end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceFile_SetReformat]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceFile_SetReformat] @fileName varchar(100) , @reformatExtensionID uniqueidentifier = null as update [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] set [ReformatExtensionID] = @reformatExtensionID where [FileName] = @fileName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceFile_SetPresent]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceFile_SetPresent] ( @fileName varchar(512), @fullName varchar(1024), @sourceTableFullName varchar(50), @fileDate datetime2(7) = null ) AS if @fileDate is null begin delete [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] where [FileName] = @fileName and [FileName] not like '%.ExtensionLoad' and [ReformatExtensionID] is null end else begin update [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] set [FileDate] = @fileDate , [SourceTableFullName] = @sourceTableFullName , [FullName] = @fullName where [FileName] = @fileName if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert into [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] ( [FileName] , [FullName] , [SourceTableFullName] , [FileDate] ) values ( @fileName , @fullName , @sourceTableFullName , @fileDate ) end end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceFile_List]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceFile_List] AS select [FullName] , [FileDate] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_JobCheckRestart]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Export_JobCheckRestart] @jobId int as select C.[EntityName] , sum( case when D.Result = 0 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Exported] , sum( case when D.Result = 1 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Dropped] , sum( case when D.Result = 2 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Discarded] from [mig_item].[Processed] as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as C on B.[EntityID] = C.[EntityID] inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and @jobId = D.[JobId] where A.[JobId] = @jobId group by C.[EntityName] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_SetTruncated]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_SetTruncated] ( @fullName varchar(100) ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] set [LoadedCount] = 0 , [DateOfLoadedFile] = null , [LoadedDate] = null from [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] as B on A.[FileName] = B.[FileName] and B.[SourceTableFullName] = @fullName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_SetPresent]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_SetPresent] ( @fileName varchar(512), @fullName varchar(1024), @fileDate datetime2(7) = null ) AS if @fileDate is null begin delete [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] where [FileName] = @fileName and [FileName] not like '%.ExtensionLoad' and [LoadedDate] is null end else begin update [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] set [FullName] = @fullName , [FileDate] = @fileDate where [FileName] = @fileName if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert into [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] ( [FileName] , [FullName] , [FileDate] ) values ( @fileName , @fullName , @fileDate ) end end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_SetLoaded]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_SetLoaded] ( @fileName varchar(512), @loadedCount int ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] set [LoadedCount] = @loadedCount , [DateOfLoadedFile] = [FileDate] , [LoadedDate] = sysdatetime() where [FileName] = @fileName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_List]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_FormattedFile_List] AS select [FullName] , [FileDate] from [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_Entity_StatusList]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Export_Entity_StatusList] AS select [EntityID] , [Ready] , [BusinessEntityName] , [EntityName] , sum([Count]) as [Source] , sum([Dropped]) as [Dropped] , sum([Discarded]) as [Discarded] , sum([Exported]) as [Exported] , sum([Difference]) as [Difference] from [mig_director].[_Export_Statistics]() group by [EntityID] , [Ready] , [BusinessEntityName] , [EntityName] order by [BusinessEntityName] , [EntityName] ;with valuesets as ( select A.* from [mig_director].[Valueset] as A inner join [mig_director].[Engine] as B on A.[ProjectID] = B.[ProjectID] ) select A.[EntityID] , A.[SourceID] , coalesce(B.[FullName], C.[FullName], 'Vs.' + D.[Name]) as [SourceFullName] , A.[SourceType] , case A.[SourceType] when 'View' then B.[LoadedDate] when 'Table' then null else D.[LastUpdateDate] end as [LoadedDate] , case A.[SourceType] when 'View' then B.[LoadedCount] when 'Table' then null else D.[RowCount] end as [LoadedCount] from [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] as A left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as B on A.[SourceType] = 'View' and A.[SourceID] = B.[ItemID] left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] as C on A.[SourceType] = 'Table' and A.[SourceID] = C.[ItemID] left outer join valuesets as D on A.[SourceType] = 'Valueset' and A.[SourceID] = D.[ItemID] where A.[IsPresent] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_Entity_SourceDependencyInsertOrUpdate]...'; GO -- Batch submitted through debugger: SQLQuery2.sql|7|0|C:\Users\lars\AppData\Local\Temp\~vs983D.sql CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_Entity_SourceDependencyInsertOrUpdate] ( @entityID uniqueidentifier, @itemID uniqueidentifier, @sourceType varchar(50) ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] set [Ispresent] = 1 , [SourceType] = @sourceType where [EntityID] = @entityID and [SourceID] = @itemID if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] ( [EntityID] , [SourceID] , [SourceType] , [IsPresent] ) values ( @entityID , @itemID , @sourceType , 1 ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_Entity_MarkNotPresent]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_Entity_MarkNotPresent] as update [mig_director].[ExportEntity] set [IsPresent] = 0 update [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] set [IsPresent] = 0 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_Entity_InsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_Entity_InsertOrUpdate] ( @entityID uniqueidentifier , @entityName varchar(256) , @businessEntityID uniqueidentifier , @businessEntityName varchar(128) ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportEntity] set [EntityName] = @entityName , [BusinessEntityID] = @businessEntityID , [IsPresent] = 1 where [EntityId] = @entityID if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert [mig_director].[ExportEntity] ( [EntityID] , [EntityName] , [BusinessEntityID] , [IsPresent] ) values ( @entityID , @entityName , @businessEntityID , 1 ) end update [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] set [BusinessEntityName] = @businessEntityName where [BusinessEntityId] = @businessEntityID if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] ( [BusinessEntityID] , [BusinessEntityName] ) values ( @businessEntityID , @businessEntityName ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Event_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Event_List] @export bit , @dispositions varchar(max) = null , @impacts varchar(max) = null , @entities varchar(max) = null as declare @dispositionTable table([Disposition] int, primary key (Disposition)) declare @impactTable table([Impact] int, primary key (Impact)) declare @entitiesTable table([EntityID] uniqueidentifier primary key (EntityID)) if @dispositions is not null begin insert into @dispositionTable select distinct convert(int, [Value]) as [Disposition] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@dispositions, ',') end if @impacts is not null begin insert into @impactTable select distinct convert(int, [Value]) as [Impact] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@impacts, ',') end if @entities is not null begin insert into @entitiesTable select distinct [Id] from [mig_utility].[ParseGuids](@entities, ',') end ;with systemEvents as ( select C.[EntityID] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Message] , count(*) as [Count] , count(distinct A.[ItemId]) as [Items] from [mig_item].[EventSystem] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[Id] as B with (noLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[InvalidatedTime] is null inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[Active] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = D.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = D.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = D.[Step] where ((1 = @export and 0 = A.[Step]) or (0 = @export and 1 = A.[Step])) and (@dispositions is null or A.[Disposition] in (select [Disposition] from @dispositionTable)) and (@impacts is null or A.[Impact] in (select [Impact] from @impactTable)) and (@entities is null or C.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entitiesTable)) group by C.[EntityID] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Message] ) , userEvents as ( select C.[EntityID] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[EventID] , A.[EventName] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[EventTextID] , count(*) as [Count] , count(distinct A.[ItemId]) as [Items] from [mig_item].[EventUser] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[Id] as B with (noLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[InvalidatedTime] is null inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[Active] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = D.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = D.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = D.[Step] where ((1 = @export and 0 = A.[Step]) or (0 = @export and 1 = A.[Step])) and (@dispositions is null or A.[Disposition] in (select [Disposition] from @dispositionTable)) and (@impacts is null or A.[Impact] in (select [Impact] from @impactTable)) and (@entities is null or C.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entitiesTable)) group by C.[EntityID] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[EventID] , A.[EventName] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[EventTextID] ) , allEvents as ( select A.[EntityID] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[EventID] , A.[EventName] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , isnull(substring(B.[DefaultText], 1, 2000), 'Text not found (' + lower(convert(varchar(50), A.[EventTextID])) + ')') as [Message] , A.[Count] , A.[Items] from userEvents as A left outer join [mig_director].[SmartText] as B with (NoLock) on A.[EventTextID] = B.[ItemID] union all select [EntityID] , [Step] , [Engine] , cast(cast(0 as binary) as uniqueidentifier) -- Guid.Empty , '(System)' , [Disposition] , [Impact] , [Receiver] , [Message] , [Count] , [Items] from systemEvents ) select B.[EntityName] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[EntityID] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[EventID] , A.[EventName] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Message] , A.[Count] , A.[Items] from allEvents as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as B with (NoLock) on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] and B.[IsPresent] = 1 order by B.[EntityName] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_ListActive]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_ListActive] as select [Id] , [ProcessId] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as A where A.[Id] = ( select max([Id]) from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as B where A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] ) and A.[ExecutionState] < 2 -- Pending and Running GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_List] @jobId int as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() select A.[JobId] , A.[Id] as [JobInstanceId] , A.[ClientID] , A.[ExecutionState] as [ExecutionStateNum] , A.[Result] as [ResultNum] , A.[TimeStart] , A.[Priority] as [PriorityNum] , A.[TimeEnd] , [mig_director].[CalculateElapsedSeconds](A.[TimeStart], A.[TimeEnd], A.[ExecutionState], @now) as [ElapsedSeconds] , A.[ProcessId] , A.[ProcessName] , A.[RuntimeVersion] , A.[CreationDate] , A.[CreatedBy] , case when (select top(1) 1 from [mig_profile].[Job] as B where A.[Id] = B.[JobInstanceId]) is null then '' else 'Profile' end as [Profile] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as A where [JobId] = @jobId order by [Id] desc GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId int , @logType tinyint , @message nvarchar(max) , @entryId bigint output as insert [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog] ( [JobInstanceId] , [LogType] , [Message] ) values ( @jobInstanceId , @logType , @message ) set @entryId = cast(scope_identity() as bigint) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_Insert]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_Insert] ( @jobId int , @clientID uniqueidentifier , @priority tinyint , @user varchar(50) ) as insert [mig_director].[JobInstance] ( [JobId] , [ClientID] , [Priority] , [CreatedBy] ) values ( @jobId , @clientID , @priority , @user ) select convert(int, scope_identity()) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_SetCommit]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Job_SetCommit] ( @jobId int , @restartArea varchar(max) ) as update [mig_director].[Job] set [RestartArea] = @restartArea where [JobId] = @jobId select [BatchSize] from [mig_director].[Job] where [JobId] = @jobId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_SetBatchSize]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Job_SetBatchSize] @jobId int , @batchSize int as update [mig_director].[Job] set [BatchSize] = @batchSize where [JobId] = @jobId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_Restart]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Job_Restart] ( @jobId int , @clientID uniqueidentifier , @user varchar(50) , @jobTypeId int output ) as select @jobTypeId = [JobTypeId] from [mig_director].[Job] where [JobId] = @jobId -- Create with priority from last instance declare @priority tinyint = ( select top(1) [Priority] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] where [JobId] = @jobId order by [Id] desc ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_Insert] @jobId, @clientID, @priority, @user GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Job_List] as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime(); with S as ( select [JobId] , [TimeStart] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as A where [Id] = ( select min([Id]) from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as B where A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] ) ) , E as ( select [JobId] , [Id] as [lastInstanceId] , [ExecutionState] , [TimeEnd] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as A where [Id] = ( select max([Id]) from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as B where A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] ) ) , T as ( select [JobId] , sum([mig_director].[CalculateElapsedSeconds]([TimeStart], [TimeEnd], [ExecutionState], @now)) as [ElapsedSeconds] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] group by [JobId] ) select S.[JobId] , S.[TimeStart] , E.[TimeEnd] , E.[LastInstanceId] , T.[ElapsedSeconds] into #instanceSummary from S inner join E on S.[JobId] = E.[JobId] inner join T on S.[JobId] = T.[JobId] create index __IX_summary on #instanceSummary ( [JobId] asc ) select A.[JobId] , B.[LastInstanceId] , A.[JobTypeId] , A.[Name] , A.[Header] , A.[CanCancel] as [JobTypeCanCancel] , isnull(cast(C.[ExecutionState] as int), -1) as [ExecutionStateNum] , isnull(C.[Result], 0) as [ResultNum] , C.[Priority] as [PriorityNum] , A.[CreationDate] as [TimeSubmit] , B.[TimeStart] , case when C.[ExecutionState] = 3 then null -- Cancelled else B.[TimeEnd] end as [TimeEnd] , B.[ElapsedSeconds] from [mig_director].[Job] as A left outer join #instanceSummary as B on A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] left outer join [mig_director].[JobInstance] as C on C.[Id] = B.[LastInstanceId] order by A.[JobId] desc GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_InsertStartStop]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Job_InsertStartStop] @start bit , @user varchar(50) , @engineInfo xml = null as insert [mig_director].[Job] ( [JobTypeId] , [Name] , [ClassName] , [Header] , [Parameters] , [BatchSize] , [CanCancel] ) values ( 0 , case @start when 1 then 'Track Started' else 'Track Stopped' end , '' , @user , isnull(@engineInfo, '') , 0 , 0 ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_Get]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Job_Get] @jobId int as select [JobId] , [Parameters] , [RestartArea] , [BatchSize] , [CanCancel] from [mig_director].[Job] where [JobId] = @jobId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_CreateNew]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Job_CreateNew] ( @jobTypeId int , @clientID uniqueidentifier , @name varchar(50) , @className varchar(256) , @canCancel bit , @header varchar(256) = null , @parameters xml , @batchSize int , @priority tinyint , @user varchar(50) , @jobId int output ) as insert [mig_director].[Job] ( [JobTypeId] , [Name] , [ClassName] , [CanCancel] , [Header] , [Parameters] , [BatchSize] ) values ( @jobTypeId , @name , @className , @canCancel , @header , @parameters , @batchSize ) set @jobId = scope_identity() exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_Insert] @jobId, @clientID, @priority, @user GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_List]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_List] as select [SetId] , [Type] , [Source] , [ItemCount] , [OrderDate] , convert(bit, case when [ReadyDate] is null then 0 else 1 end ) as [Ready] from [mig_director].[ItemSet] order by [SetId] desc GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_FromSql]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_FromSql]( @sql varchar(max) ) as declare @setId int exec [mig_director].[_ItemSet_Insert] 'Sql' , @sql , @setId output declare @items table([ItemId] bigint) insert @items ([ItemId]) execute(@sql) insert [mig_item].[ItemSet] ( [SetId] , [ItemId] ) select @setId , [ItemId] from @items group by [ItemId] exec [mig_director].[_ItemSet_SetReady] @setId, @@rowCount GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_FromEventUser]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_FromEventUser]( @engine tinyint , @engineText varchar(50) , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @eventID uniqueidentifier , @message varchar(max) ) as declare @setId int declare @type varchar(50) = @engineText + ' event' exec [mig_director].[_ItemSet_Insert] @type , @message , @setId output ;with items ( [ItemId] ) as ( select A.[ItemId] from [mig_valid].[EventUser] as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[EntityID] = @entityID where A.[Engine] = @engine and A.[EventID] = @eventID group by A.[ItemId] ) insert [mig_item].[ItemSet] ( [SetId] , [ItemId] ) select @setId , [ItemId] from items group by [ItemId] exec [mig_director].[_ItemSet_SetReady] @setId, @@rowCount GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_FromEventSystem]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_FromEventSystem]( @engine tinyint , @engineText varchar(50) , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @message varchar(max) ) as declare @setId int declare @type varchar(50) = @engineText + ' event' exec [mig_director].[_ItemSet_Insert] @type , @message , @setId output ;with items ( [ItemId] ) as ( select A.[ItemId] from [mig_valid].[EventSystem] as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[EntityID] = @entityID where A.[Engine] = @engine and A.[Message] = @message group by A.[ItemId] ) insert [mig_item].[ItemSet] ( [SetId] , [ItemId] ) select @setId , [ItemId] from items group by [ItemId] exec [mig_director].[_ItemSet_SetReady] @setId, @@rowCount GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_Delete]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[ItemSet_Delete]( @setId int ) as delete from [mig_director].[ItemSet] where [SetId] = @setId delete from [mig_item].[ItemSet] where [SetId] = @setId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[GlobalCounter_GetIntervalStart]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[GlobalCounter_GetIntervalStart] ( @counterId varchar(50) , @intervalSize int ) as declare @result table([Updated] bigint) merge [mig_director].[GlobalCounter] with (holdlock) as tgt using (select @counterId, @intervalSize) as src ([CounterId], [IntervalSize]) on (tgt.[CounterId] = src.[CounterId]) when matched then update set [NextIntervalStart] = [NextIntervalStart] + src.[IntervalSize] when not matched then insert ([CounterId], [NextIntervalStart]) values (src.[CounterID], src.[IntervalSize]) output deleted.[NextIntervalStart] into @result; select isnull((select [Updated] from @result), 0) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[GlobalCounter_List]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[GlobalCounter_List] as select [CounterId] , [NextIntervalStart] as IntervalEnd from [mig_director].[GlobalCounter] with (NoLock) order by [CounterId] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_StatusList]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_StatusList] AS -- Get dependencies to ExportEntities in order to filter out views used by entities not in scope select B.[FullName] , A.[EntityID] from [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as B on A.[SourceID] = B.[ItemID] where B.[IsPresent] = 1 and A.SourceType = 'View' select A.[ItemID] , A.[FullName] , A.[ViewSchema] , A.[ViewName] , 1 as [Ready] , A.[LoadedDate] , A.[LoadedElapsedTicks] , A.[LoadedCount] , B.[BaselineCount] , [ForceInScope] , convert(bit, 0) as [InScope] , convert(bit, case when A.[AcceptedQueryPlan] is null then 0 else 1 end) as HasQueryPlan , A.[OptimizeIterations] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as A left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] where A.[IsPresent] = 1 order by A.[FullName] ;with valuesets as ( select A.* from [mig_director].[Valueset] as A inner join [mig_director].[Engine] as B on A.[ProjectID] = B.[ProjectID] ) , dep as ( select B.[FullName] as [ViewFullName] , A.[DependentOnID] as [SourceID] , coalesce(C.[FullName], D.[FullName], 'Vs.' + E.[Name]) as [DependentOnFullName] , A.[SourceType] , case A.[SourceType] when 'View' then C.[LoadedDate] when 'Table' then null else E.[LastUpdateDate] end as [LoadedDate] , case A.[SourceType] when 'View' then C.[LoadedCount] when 'Table' then null else E.[RowCount] end as [LoadedCount] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as B on A.[ViewID] = B.[ItemID] left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as C on A.[DependentOnID] = C.[ItemID] and A.[SourceType] = 'View' left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] as D on A.[DependentOnID] = D.[ItemID] and A.[SourceType] = 'Table' left outer join valuesets as E on A.[DependentOnID] = E.[ItemID] and A.[SourceType] = 'Valueset' where A.[IsPresent] = 1 ) select * from dep order by [DependentOnFullName] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SetLoaded]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SetLoaded] ( @fullName varchar(100) , @loadedCount int , @elapsedTicks bigint ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] set [LoadedCount] = @loadedCount , [LoadedElapsedTicks] = @elapsedTicks , [LoadedDate] = sysdatetime() where [FullName] = @fullName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SetBaseline]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SetBaseline] as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() delete from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] and B.[LoadedCount] is null update [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] set [BaselineCount] = B.[LoadedCount] , [ModificationDate] = @now from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] insert [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] ( [ViewSchema] , [ViewName] , [BaselineCount] , [CreationDate] ) select A.[ViewSchema] , A.[ViewName] , A.[LoadedCount] , @now from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as A left outer join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] as B on A.[FullName] = B.[FullName] where B.[FullName] is null and A.[LoadedCount] is not null and A.[IsPresent] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Partition_List]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[Partition_List] as select distinct A.[PartitionValue] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[Result] <> 1 -- Dropped GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[SmartText_InsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[SmartText_InsertOrUpdate] ( @itemID uniqueidentifier, @xml xml, @user varchar(50) ) AS update [mig_director].[SmartText] set [Xml] = @xml , [ModificationDate] = sysdatetime() , [ModifiedBy] = @user where [ItemID] = @itemID if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert into [mig_director].[SmartText] ( [ItemID] , [Xml] , [CreatedBy] ) values ( @itemID , @xml , @user ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[RunParameter_GetValue]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[RunParameter_GetValue] @projectID uniqueidentifier , @itemID uniqueidentifier as select [Value] from [mig_director].[RunParameter] where [ProjectID] = @projectID and [ItemID] = @itemID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[RunParameter_SetValue]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[RunParameter_SetValue]( @itemID uniqueidentifier , @projectID uniqueidentifier , @value varchar(max) , @userName varchar(50) ) AS update [mig_director].[RunParameter] set [Value] = @value , [ModificationDate] = sysdatetime() , [ModifiedBy] = @userName where [ItemID] = @itemID and [ProjectID] = @projectID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[RunParameter_List]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[RunParameter_List] @projectTypes xml = null as select A.[ItemID] , A.[ProjectID] , A.[ProjectType] , A.[Name] , A.[Value] , A.[Description] , A.[DataTypeXml] from [mig_director].[RunParameter] as A left outer join [mig_utility].[ParseInfoList](@projectTypes) as B on A.[ProjectType] = B.[Value] collate Latin1_General_CI_AS where (@projectTypes is null or B.[Value] is not null) and A.[Present] = 1 order by A.[Name] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[RunParameter_InsertOrUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[RunParameter_InsertOrUpdate] @itemID uniqueidentifier , @projectID uniqueidentifier , @projectType varchar(50) , @name varchar(50) , @value nvarchar(max) , @description nvarchar(max) , @dataTypeXml xml , @user varchar(50) as update [mig_director].[RunParameter] set [ProjectID] = @projectID , [ProjectType] = @projectType , [Name] = @name , [Value] = @value , [Description] = @description , [DataTypeXml] = @dataTypeXml , [Present] = 1 , [ModificationDate] = sysdatetime() , [ModifiedBy] = @user where [ItemId] = @itemId and [ProjectID] = @projectID if @@rowCount = 0 begin insert [mig_director].[RunParameter] ( [ItemID] , [ProjectID] , [ProjectType] , [Name] , [Value] , [Description] , [DataTypeXml] , [Present] , [CreationDate] , [CreatedBy] ) values ( @itemID , @projectID , @projectType , @name , @value , @description , @dataTypeXml , 1 , sysdatetime() , @user ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Reject_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Reject_List] as select A.[ItemId] , C.[EntityID] , E.[BusinessEntityName] , D.[EntityName] , C.[BreakFields] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[KeyId] = B.[KeyId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as D with (NoLock) on C.[EntityID] = D.[EntityID] inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as E with (NoLock) on D.[BusinessEntityID] = E.[BusinessEntityID] left outer join [mig_valid].[ExportItem] as F with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = F.[ItemId] and F.[Result] = 2 -- 2: Rejected left outer join [mig_valid].[ImportItem] as G with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = G.[ItemId] and G.[Result] < 2 -- 2: Success where F.[ItemId] is not null or G.[ItemId] is not null GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Option_Set]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Option_Set] ( @optionName varchar(50), @optionValue varchar(max) = null ) AS if @optionValue is null -- Clear Override begin delete from [mig_director].[DirectorOption] where [OptionName] = @optionName end else begin update [mig_director].[DirectorOption] set [OptionValue] = @optionValue , [ModificationDate] = sysdatetime() where [OptionName] = @optionName if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_director].[DirectorOption] ( [OptionValue] , [OptionName] ) values ( @optionValue , @optionName ) end end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Option_List]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Option_List] as select [OptionName] , [OptionValue] from [mig_director].[DirectorOption] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Option_Get]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Option_Get] ( @optionName nvarchar(50) ) AS select [OptionValue] from [mig_director].[DirectorOption] where [OptionName] = @optionName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetAborted]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetAborted] @instanceId int as declare @ids table([Id] int, [ProcessId] int) update [mig_director].[JobInstance] set [ExecutionState] = 4 output inserted.Id, inserted.[ProcessId] into @ids where [Id] = @instanceId and [ExecutionState] < 2 -- Pending and Running insert [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog] ( [JobInstanceId] , [LogType] , [Message] ) select [Id] , 2 -- Error , case when [ProcessId] is null then 'Aborted because the instance was Pending when the Track started' else 'Aborted because the instance was in Executing state but the instance process ' + cast([ProcessId] as varchar(10)) + ' was not found when the Track started' end from @ids GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetStarted]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetStarted] ( @jobInstanceId int , @processId int , @processName varchar(256) , @runtimeVersion varchar(50) ) as update [mig_director].[JobInstance] set [ExecutionState] = 1 , [TimeStart] = sysdatetime() , [ProcessId] = @processId , [ProcessName] = @processName , [RuntimeVersion] = @runtimeVersion where [Id] = @jobInstanceId select B.[JobId] , B.[ClassName] , B.[Parameters] , B.[RestartArea] , B.[BatchSize] , A.[CreatedBy] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as A inner join [mig_director].[Job] as B on A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] where A.[Id] = @jobInstanceId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetDebugWait]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetDebugWait] ( @jobInstanceId int , @waiting bit ) as update[mig_director].[JobInstance] set [DebugWait] = @waiting where [Id] = @jobInstanceId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetCompleted]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetCompleted] ( @jobInstanceId int , @result tinyint = 1 ) as update [mig_director].[JobInstance] set [ExecutionState] = 2 , [Result] = @result , [TimeEnd] = sysdatetime() where [Id] = @jobInstanceId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetCancelled]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetCancelled] ( @jobInstanceId int ) as update [mig_director].[JobInstance] set [ExecutionState] = 3 , [TimeEnd] = sysdatetime() where [Id] = @jobInstanceId and [ExecutionState] < 3 -- Only Pending and Running are updated GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_GetState]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_GetState] @clientID uniqueidentifier , @executionState int out , @result int out , @jobId bigint out as select @executionState = [ExecutionState] , @result = [Result] , @jobId = [JobId] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] where [ClientID] = @clientID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_GetStateOnId]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_GetStateOnId] @jobId bigint , @executionState int out , @result int out as select @executionState = [ExecutionState] , @result = [Result] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as A where [Id] = ( select max([Id]) from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as B where [JobId] = @jobId ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_ListEvent]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Job_ListEvent] @jobId int , @dispositions varchar(max) = null , @impacts varchar(max) = null , @entities varchar(max) = null as declare @dispositionTable table([Disposition] int, primary key (Disposition)) declare @impactTable table([Impact] int, primary key (Impact)) declare @entitiesTable table([EntityID] uniqueidentifier primary key (EntityID)) if @dispositions is not null begin insert into @dispositionTable select distinct convert(int, [Value]) as [Disposition] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@dispositions, ',') end if @impacts is not null begin insert into @impactTable select distinct convert(int, [Value]) as [Impact] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@impacts, ',') end if @entities is not null begin insert into @entitiesTable select distinct [Id] from [mig_utility].[ParseGuids](@entities, ',') end ;with systemEvents as ( select B.[EntityID] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Message] , count(*) as [Count] , count(distinct A.[ItemId]) as [Items] from [mig_item].[EventSystem] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where A.[JobId] = @jobId and (@dispositions is null or A.[Disposition] in (select [Disposition] from @dispositionTable)) and (@impacts is null or A.[Impact] in (select [Impact] from @impactTable)) and (@entities is null or B.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entitiesTable)) group by B.[EntityID] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Message] ) , userEvents as ( select B.[EntityID] , A.[EventID] , A.[EventName] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[EventTextID] , count(*) as [Count] , count(distinct A.[ItemId]) as [Items] from [mig_item].[EventUser] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where A.[JobId] = @jobId and (@dispositions is null or A.[Disposition] in (select [Disposition] from @dispositionTable)) and (@impacts is null or A.[Impact] in (select [Impact] from @impactTable)) and (@entities is null or B.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entitiesTable)) group by B.[EntityID] , A.[EventID] , A.[EventName] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[EventTextID] ) , texts as ( select [ItemID] as [TextID] , substring([DefaultText], 1, 2000) as [Text] from [mig_director].[SmartText] with (NoLock) ) , list as ( select [EntityID] , null as [EventID] , [Disposition] , [Impact] , [Receiver] , '(System)' as [EventName] , [Message] , [Count] , [Items] from systemEvents union all select [EntityID] , [EventID] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[EventName] , isnull(B.[Text], 'Text not found (' + lower(convert(varchar(50), A.[EventTextID])) + ')') as [Message] , A.[Count] , A.[Items] from userEvents as A left outer join texts as B on A.[EventTextID] = B.[TextID] ) select B.[EntityId] , B.[EntityName] , C.[BusinessEntityName] , A.[EventID] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[EventName] , A.[Message] , A.[Count] , A.[Items] from list as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityId] inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as C on B.[BusinessEntityID] = C.[BusinessEntityID] order by B.[EntityName] , A.[EventName] , A.[Message] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_ListEventParameter]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Job_ListEventParameter] @jobId int , @limit int , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @message varchar(max) , @eventID uniqueidentifier = null , @disposition int , @impact int , @receiver int as with itemCount as ( -- EITHER User Events part select top(@limit) A.[ParameterHash] , A.[ItemId] , 0 as [Type] , count(*) as [Count] from [mig_item].[EventUser] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where @eventID is not null and A.[JobId] = @jobId and A.[EventID] = @eventID and B.[EntityID] = @entityID and A.[Disposition] = @disposition and A.[Impact] = @impact and A.[Receiver] = @receiver group by A.[ParameterHash] , A.[ItemId] union all -- OR System Events part select top(@limit) A.[ParameterHash] , A.[ItemId] , 1 as [Type] , count(*) as [Count] from [mig_item].[EventSystem] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where @eventID is null and A.[JobId] = @jobId and A.[Message] = @message and B.[EntityID] = @entityID and A.[Disposition] = @disposition and A.[Impact] = @impact and A.[Receiver] = @receiver group by A.[ParameterHash] , A.[ItemId] ) , hashCount as ( select [ParameterHash] , [Type] , sum([Count]) as [Count] , count(*) as [Items] from itemCount group by [ParameterHash] , [Type] ) select [ParameterXml] = case A.[Type] when 0 then ( select top(1) [ParameterXml] from [mig_item].[EventUser] as B with (NoLock) where B.[ParameterHash] = A.[ParameterHash] and B.[JobId] = @jobId and B.[EventID] = @eventID ) else ( select top(1) [ParameterXml] from [mig_item].[EventSystem] as B with (NoLock) where B.[ParameterHash] = A.[ParameterHash] and B.[JobId] = @jobId and B.[Message] = @message ) end , A.[Count] , A.[Items] from hashCount as A GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[State_Get]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[State_Get] @name varchar(50) as select Value from [mig_director].[State] where Name = @name GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[State_Set]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[State_Set] @name varchar(50) , @value varchar(max) as update [mig_director].[State] set Value = @value where Name = @name if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_director].[State] values (@name, @value) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetPriority]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetPriority] ( @jobInstanceId int , @priority tinyint ) as update [mig_director].[JobInstance] set [Priority] = @priority where [Id] = @jobInstanceId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Setup_Initializer_Start]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[Setup_Initializer_Start] @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int as declare @step tinyint = 1 -- Conversion update [mig_item].[Active] set [JobId] = @jobId , [JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId where [ItemId] = 0 and [Step] = @step if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_item].[Active] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] ) values ( 0 , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @step ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Import_JobCheckRestart]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Import_JobCheckRestart] @jobId int as select D.[BusinessEntityName] , isnull(A.[Level], 0) , sum( case when E.Result = 2 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Converted] , sum( case when E.Result < 2 then 1 else 0 end ) as [Discarded] from [mig_item].[Processed] as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as C on B.[EntityID] = C.[EntityID] inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as D on C.[BusinessEntityID] = D.[BusinessEntityID] inner join [mig_item].[ImportItem] as E with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = E.[ItemId] and @jobId = E.[JobId] where A.[JobId] = @jobId group by D.[BusinessEntityName] , isnull(A.[Level], 0) order by isnull(A.[Level], 0) , D.[BusinessEntityName] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_ListLog]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_ListLog] @clientID uniqueidentifier as select A.[JobInstanceId] , A.[Id] as [JobInstanceLogId] , A.[LogType] as [LogTypeNum] , A.[Message] , A.[CreationDate] from [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_director].[JobInstance] as B with (NoLock) on A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[Id] where B.[ClientID] = @clientID order by A.[CreationDate], A.[Id] select top(1) A.[Id] as [JobInstanceId] , A.[ExecutionState] as [ExecutionStateNum] , A.[Result] as [ResultNum] , A.[TimeEnd] , [mig_director].[CalculateElapsedSeconds](A.[TimeStart], A.[TimeEnd], A.[ExecutionState], sysdatetime()) as [ElapsedSeconds] , case when (select top(1) 1 from [mig_profile].[Job] as B where A.[Id] = B.[JobInstanceId]) is null then '' else 'Profile' end as [Profile] from [mig_director].[JobInstance] as A with (NoLock) where [ClientID] = @clientID select [JobInstanceId] , [ItemID] , [Name] , [Value] from [mig_director].[JobInstanceRunParameter] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_director].[JobInstance] as B with (NoLock) on A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[Id] where B.[ClientID] = @clientID order by [Name] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Setup_ClearJobs]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Setup_ClearJobs] AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- Cache the last Track Start select [JobTypeId] , [Name] , [ClassName] , [Header] , [Parameters] , [BatchSize] , [CanCancel] , [CreationDate] into #lastStart from [mig_director].[Job] as A where [JobTypeId] = 0 and [Name] = 'Track Started' and [JobId] = ( select max([JobId]) from [mig_director].[Job] as B where A.[JobTypeId] = B.[JobTypeId] and A.[Name] = B.[Name] ) truncate table [mig_director].[Job] truncate table [mig_director].[JobInstance] truncate table [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog] truncate table [mig_director].[JobInstanceRunParameter] truncate table [mig_director].[JobData] truncate table [mig_director].[Command] -- Reestablish the last Track Start insert [mig_director].[Job] ( [JobTypeId] , [Name] , [ClassName] , [Header] , [Parameters] , [BatchSize] , [CanCancel] , [CreationDate] ) select * from #lastStart GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Setup_ClearOther]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[Setup_ClearOther] @mode tinyint -- 0: ResetTrack, 1: ResetIterationExInititializer, 2: ResetIterationIncInitializer , @jobId int , @includeDc bit as -- Store Active row from Initializer select * into #initActive from [mig_item].[Active] where [ItemId] = 0 -- Always include these truncate table [mig_director].[GlobalCounter] truncate table [mig_director].[ItemSet] truncate table [mig_garbage].[Log] truncate table [mig_item].[Audit] truncate table [mig_item].[ImportItem] truncate table [mig_item].[TargetXml] truncate table [mig_item].[Dependency] truncate table [mig_item].[EventSystem] truncate table [mig_item].[EventUser] truncate table [mig_item].[ExportItem] truncate table [mig_item].[ExportXml] truncate table [mig_item].[Garbage] truncate table [mig_item].[Item] truncate table [mig_item].[ItemSet] truncate table [mig_item].[Processed] truncate table [mig_item].[SavedString] truncate table [mig_item].[SourceXml] truncate table [mig_item].[Identity] truncate table [mig_profile].[Item] truncate table [mig_profile].[Frame] truncate table [mig_profile].[Job] truncate table [mig_profile].[Trace] truncate table [mig_item].[Active] if 0 = @mode -- 'Reset Track' - Just clear everything begin truncate table [mig_director].[Engine] truncate table [mig_director].[Concurrency] truncate table [mig_director].[Valueset] truncate table [mig_director].[ValuesetBaseline] truncate table [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] truncate table [mig_director].[DirectorOption] truncate table [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] truncate table [mig_director].[ExportEntity] truncate table [mig_director].[ExportEntitySourceDependency] truncate table [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] truncate table [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable_Baseline] truncate table [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] truncate table [mig_director].[ExportSourceView_Baseline] truncate table [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] truncate table [mig_director].[RunParameter] truncate table [mig_director].[SmartText] truncate table [mig_item].[MainKey] truncate table [mig_item].[RelationshipKey] truncate table [mig_item].[RelationshipValue] truncate table [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue] truncate table [mig_item].[ExportKey] truncate table [mig_item].[Id] truncate table [mig_tracking].[Baseline] truncate table [mig_tracking].[EventParameter] truncate table [mig_tracking].[Log] truncate table [mig_tracking].[Parameter] truncate table [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount] truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootEntityEvent] truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootItem] truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] truncate table [mig_tracking].[Statistic] truncate table [mig_translation].[TranslationValueset] truncate table [mig_translation].[TranslationValuesetRow] end else -- 'New Data' or 'Reset Iteration': More care must be taken begin if 1 = @includeDc begin truncate table [mig_director].[Valueset] end if 1 = @mode -- Reset iteration. The Initializer is not being run begin insert [mig_item].[Active] select * from #initActive -- Too expensive to start deleting relationship items with ItemId > 0. -- Leave this to the GarbageCollector (because Active and Id tables are truncated, -- whatever remains in the 2 Relationship* tables above ItemId = 0 is garbage) end else begin if 2 = @mode -- Reset iteration. The initializer being run begin truncate table [mig_item].[RelationshipKey] truncate table [mig_item].[RelationshipValue] truncate table [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue] end end end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_Entity_SetIgnored]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_Entity_SetIgnored] ( @entityID uniqueidentifier , @ignored bit ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportEntity] set [Ignored] = @ignored where [EntityId] = @entityID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryDelete]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryDelete] ( @entryId bigint ) as delete from [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog] where [Id] = @entryId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @entryId bigint , @logType tinyint , @message nvarchar(max) = null , @moveToTail bit = 0 as update [mig_director].[JobInstanceLog] set [Message] = isnull(@message, convert(varchar(8), getdate() - cast([CreationDate] as datetime), 108) + ' ' + [Message]) , [LogType] = @logType , [CreationDate] = case @moveToTail when 0 then [CreationDate] else sysdatetime() end where [Id] = @entryId and ([LogType] <> @logType or [Message] <> @message or 1 = @moveToTail) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_RunParameterInsert]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_RunParameterInsert] @jobInstanceId int , @itemID uniqueidentifier , @name varchar(50) , @value nvarchar(max) as insert [mig_director].[JobInstanceRunParameter] ( [JobInstanceId] , [ItemID] , [Name] , [Value] , [CreationDate] ) values ( @jobInstanceId , @itemID , @name , @value , sysdatetime() ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_DataGet]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[Job_DataGet] @jobId int , @type varchar(50) as select [Content] from [mig_director].[JobData] where [JobId] = @jobId and [Type] = @type GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Job_DataClear]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[Job_DataClear] @jobId int , @type varchar(50) = null as delete from [mig_director].[JobData] where [JobId] = @jobId and (@type is null or [Type] = @type) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_ListInvalidQuery]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_ListInvalidQuery] AS select [ItemID] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] where [OptimizeDate] is null and [IsPresent] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_GetQueryPlan]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_GetQueryPlan] @itemID uniqueidentifier AS select [AcceptedQueryPlan] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] where [ItemID] = @itemID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_InvalidateQueryPlan]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_InvalidateQueryPlan] @itemID uniqueidentifier = null AS update [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] set [AcceptedQueryPlan] = null , [OptimizeIterations] = null , [OptimizeDate] = null where @itemID is null or [ItemID] = @itemID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Import_EarliestProcessingTime]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Import_EarliestProcessingTime] @entityIDs varchar(max) , @minDate datetime2(7) AS with entityIDs as ( select convert(uniqueidentifier, Value) as [EntityID] from mig_utility.ParseDelimitedString(@entityIDs, ';') ) , dates as ( select isnull(G.[CreationDate], @minDate) as [ExecutionTime] from entityIDs as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as C on B.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and C.[Result] = 0 inner join [mig_item].[Active] as D on D.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and D.[JobId] = C.[JobId] and D.[JobInstanceId] = C.[JobInstanceId] and D.[Step] = 0 left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as E on E.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and E.[Step] = 1 left outer join [mig_item].[ImportItem] as F on F.[ItemId] = E.[ItemId] and F.[JobId] = E.[JobId] and F.[JobInstanceId] = E.[JobInstanceId] left outer join [mig_director].[JobInstance] as G on G.[Id] = F.[JobInstanceId] ) select min([ExecutionTime]) from dates GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_EarliestProcessingTime]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_EarliestProcessingTime] @entityIDs varchar(max) , @viewIDs varchar(max) , @minDate datetime2(7) AS declare @ids table([EntityID] uniqueidentifier) declare @minExecTime datetime2(7) declare @minSyncTime datetime2(7) declare @minViewTime datetime2(7) insert @ids select convert(uniqueidentifier, Value) from mig_utility.ParseDelimitedString(@entityIDs, ';'); with execDates as ( select isnull(E.[CreationDate], @minDate) as [ExecutionTime] from @ids as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as C on B.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and C.[Result] = 0 inner join [mig_item].[Active] as D on D.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and D.[JobId] = C.[JobId] and D.[JobInstanceId] = C.[JobInstanceId] and D.[Step] = 0 left outer join [mig_director].[JobInstance] as E on E.[Id] = D.[JobInstanceId] ) select @minExecTime = min([ExecutionTime]) from execDates; with syncDates as ( select isnull(B.[LastSynchronizeTime], @minDate) as [SynchronizeTime] from @ids as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] ) select @minSyncTime = min([SynchronizeTime]) from syncDates; with viewsInSccope as ( select convert(uniqueidentifier, Value) as [ViewID] from mig_utility.ParseDelimitedString(@viewIDs, ';') ) , viewDates as ( select isnull(A.[LoadedDate], @minDate) as [LoadTime] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as A inner join viewsInSccope as B on A.[ItemID] = B.[ViewID] ) select @minViewTime = min([LoadTime]) from viewDates select min(t) from (values (@minExecTime), (@minSyncTime), (@minViewTime)) as times(t) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider_Initialize]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider_Initialize] @projectType varchar(50) as update [mig_director].[ValuesetProvider] set [Present] = 0 where [ProjectType] = @projectType GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_Initialize]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Valueset_Initialize] @projectType varchar(50) AS update [mig_director].[Valueset] set [Present] = 0 where [ProjectType] = @projectType GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[RunParameter_Initialize]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[RunParameter_Initialize] @projectType varchar(50) as update [mig_director].[RunParameter] set [Present] = 0 where [ProjectType] = @projectType GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_GetTestableQuery]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_GetTestableQuery] @itemID uniqueidentifier , @force bit = 0 AS select [TestableQuery] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] where [ItemID] = @itemID and (@force = 1 or [OptimizeDate] is null) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SaveQueryPlan]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SaveQueryPlan] @itemID uniqueidentifier , @queryPlan nvarchar(max) , @optimizeIterations int AS update [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] set [AcceptedQueryPlan] = @queryPlan , [OptimizeIterations] = @optimizeIterations , [OptimizeDate] = sysdatetime() where [ItemID] = @itemID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[DataServicesHash_Set]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[DataServicesHash_Set] @projectId uniqueidentifier , @projectType varchar(50) , @hashCode char(32) as update [mig_director].[Engine] set [ProjectType] = @projectType , [DataServicesHash] = @hashCode where [ProjectID] = @projectId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[DataServicesHash_Get]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[DataServicesHash_Get] @projectId uniqueidentifier as select [DataServicesHash] from [mig_director].[Engine] where [ProjectID] = @projectId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Valueset_DefinitionList]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Valueset_DefinitionList] @projectID uniqueidentifier as select [ItemID] , [Name] , [CreateTableSql] , [ValuesetType] from [mig_director].[Valueset] where [ProjectID] = @projectID and [Present] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_Sequence]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_Sequence] @jobId int , @viewIdList varchar(max) , @includeDescendants bit as declare @itemIDs table([ItemID] uniqueidentifier) insert @itemIDs select convert(uniqueidentifier, [Value]) as [ItemID] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@viewIdList, ';') create table #dependencies ( [ItemID] uniqueidentifier , [DependentOnID] uniqueidentifier null ) -- Extract dependencies within selected views insert #dependencies select A.[ItemID] , B.[DependentOnID] from @itemIDs as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] as B on A.[ItemID] = B.[ViewID] and B.[SourceType] = 'View' inner join @itemIDs as C on B.[DependentOnID] = C.[ItemID] where B.[IsPresent] = 1 -- Add views not dependent on any within the selected views insert #dependencies select A.[ItemID] , null from @itemIDs as A left outer join #dependencies as B on A.[ItemID] = B.[ItemID] where B.[ItemID] is null create index __IX_Dependencies_1 on #dependencies ( [DependentOnID] asc , [ItemId] asc ) create table #levels ( [ItemID] uniqueidentifier , [Level] int ) if 1 = @includeDescendants begin -- Start recursive CTE ;with cteValidDependencies as ( select A.[ViewID] , A.[DependentOnID] from [mig_director].[ExportSourceViewDependency] as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as B on A.[ViewID] = B.[ItemID] where A.[IsPresent] = 1 and B.[IsPresent] = 1 ) , cteDependency as ( -- Anchor is root views, ie views not dependent on any other within the specified views select A.[ItemID] , A.[DependentOnID] , 0 as [Level] from #dependencies as A left outer join #dependencies as B on A.[DependentOnID] = B.[ItemID] where B.[ItemID] is null union all -- Recursion select A.[ViewID] , A.[DependentOnID] , B.[Level] + 1 from cteValidDependencies as A -- Get All descendant inner join cteDependency as B on A.[DependentOnID] = B.[ItemID] ) insert #levels select [ItemID] , [Level] from cteDependency group by [ItemID] , [Level] option (maxrecursion 50) -- End recursive CTE end else begin -- Start recursive CTE ;with cteDependency ( [ItemID] , [DependentOnID] , [Level] ) as ( -- Anchor is root views, ie views not dependent on any other within the specified views select A.[ItemID] , A.[DependentOnID] , 0 from #dependencies as A left outer join #dependencies as B on A.[DependentOnID] = B.[ItemID] where B.[ItemID] is null union all -- Recursion select A.[ItemID] , A.[DependentOnID] , B.[Level] + 1 from #dependencies as A -- Only descendants within specified views inner join cteDependency as B on A.[DependentOnID] = B.[ItemID] ) insert #levels select [ItemID] , [Level] from cteDependency group by [ItemID] , [Level] option (maxrecursion 50) -- End recursive CTE end declare @result table([ItemID] uniqueidentifier, [Level] int) insert @result select [ItemID] , max([Level]) as [Level] from #levels group by [ItemID] if not exists (select 1 from [mig_director].[JobData] where [JobId] = @jobId and [Type] = 'LoadViews') begin declare @xml varchar(max) = ( select A.[Level] , B.[FullName] as [ViewName] from @result as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] as B on A.[ItemID] = B.[ItemID] order by A.[Level] , B.[FullName] for xml path, root ('Views') ) insert [mig_director].[JobData] values (@jobId, 'LoadViews', @xml, sysdatetime()) end select * from @result order by [Level] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SetForceInScope]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceView_SetForceInScope] ( @fullName varchar(100) , @forceInScope bit ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportSourceView] set [ForceInScope] = @forceInScope where [FullName] = @fullName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetForceInScope]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetForceInScope] ( @fullName varchar(100) , @forceInScope bit ) AS update [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] set [ForceInScope] = @forceInScope where [FullName] = @fullName GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Engine_GetId]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[Engine_GetId] @projectType varchar(50) as select [ProjectID] from [mig_director].[Engine] where [ProjectType] = @projectType GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Engine_Set]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[Engine_Set] @projectId uniqueidentifier , @projectType varchar(50) , @commit bigint , @cleanWorkspace bit as delete [mig_director].[Engine] where [ProjectType] = @projectType and [ProjectID] <> @projectId update [mig_director].[Engine] set [Commit] = @commit , [CleanWorkspace] = @cleanWorkspace where [ProjectID] = @projectId if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_director].[Engine] ( [ProjectID] , [ProjectType] , [DataServicesHash] , [Commit] , [CleanWorkspace] ) values ( @projectId , @projectType , '' , @commit , @cleanWorkspace ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetLoadedExtension]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Export_SourceTable_SetLoadedExtension] @tableSchema varchar(50) , @tableName varchar(256) , @loadedCount int as declare @date1 datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() declare @date2 datetime2(7) = dateadd(second, 1, @date1) declare @fileName varchar(512) = @tableSchema + '\' + @tableName + '.ExtensionLoad' update [mig_director].[ExportSourceTable] set [LoadedCount] = @loadedCount where [TableSchema] = @tableSchema and [TableName] = @tableName delete [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] where [FileName] = @fileName insert into [mig_director].[ExportFormattedFile] ( [FileName] , [FullName] , [FileDate] , [DateOfLoadedFile] , [LoadedDate] , [LoadedCount] ) values ( @fileName , @fileName , @date2 , @date2 , @date2 , @loadedCount ); delete [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] where [FileName] = @fileName insert into [mig_director].[ExportSourceFile] ( [FileName] , [FullName] , [FileDate] , [SourceTableFullName] ) values ( @fileName , @fileName , @date1 , @tableSchema + '.' + @tableName ); GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Export_Valueset_StatusList]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[Export_Valueset_StatusList] AS set NoCount off -- Used to return the number of affected records select A.[ItemID] , cast( case when A.[LastUpdateDate] is null then 0 else 1 end as bit) as [Loaded] from [mig_director].[Valueset] as A inner join [mig_director].[Engine] as B on A.[ProjectID] = B.[ProjectID] where A.[ProjectType] = 'Source' and A.[Present] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_SetParameter]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_SetParameter] @usageID uniqueidentifier , @parameterLabel varchar(max) , @value nvarchar(max) as declare @label varchar(max) -- Retrieve the label name in a case-insensitive manner select @label = T.c.value('@label', 'varchar(max)') from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] cross apply ParameterValues.nodes('*/value') as T(c) where [ID] = @usageID and lower(T.c.value('@label', 'varchar(max)')) = lower(@parameterLabel) if @label is not null begin update [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] set ParameterValues.modify(' replace value of (*/value[@label=sql:variable("@label")]/@value)[1] with sql:variable("@value") ') where [ID] = @usageID end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_Add]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_Add] @name varchar(50) , @extensionClassName varchar(max) , @extensionDisplayName varchar(max) , @extensionType tinyint , @parameterValues xml as -- The first usage for the ExtensionType is set to default declare @isDefault bit = 1 select top(1) @isDefault = 0 from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] where [ExtensionType] = @extensionType insert [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] ( [ID] , [Name] , [IsDefault] , [ExtensionType] , [ExtensionClassName] , [ExtensionDisplayName] , [ParameterValues] ) values ( newid() , @name , @isDefault , @extensionType , @extensionClassName , @extensionDisplayName , @parameterValues ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_GetByDefault]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_GetByDefault] @extensionType tinyint , @extensionClassName varchar(max) output , @extensionDisplayName varchar(max) output , @parameterValues xml output as select @extensionClassName = [ExtensionClassName] , @extensionDisplayName = [ExtensionDisplayname] , @parameterValues = [ParameterValues] from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] where [ExtensionType] = @extensionType and [IsDefault] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_GetByID]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_GetByID] @usageID uniqueidentifier , @extensionClassName varchar(max) output , @extensionDisplayName varchar(max) output , @parameterValues xml output as select @extensionClassName = [ExtensionClassName] , @extensionDisplayName = [ExtensionDisplayname] , @parameterValues = [ParameterValues] from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] where [ID] = @usageID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_SetDefault]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_SetDefault] @usageID uniqueidentifier as declare @extensionType tinyint = (select [ExtensionType] from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] where [ID] = @usageID) update [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] set [IsDefault] = case when [ID] = @usageID then 1 else 0 end where [ExtensionType] = @extensionType GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_Delete]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_Delete] @usageID uniqueidentifier as declare @deleted table([ExtensionType] tinyint, [IsDefault] bit) delete [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] output deleted.[ExtensionType], deleted.[IsDefault] into @deleted where [ID] = @usageID -- If this was the default usage for the ExtensionType, then set another as Default update top(1) [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] set [IsDefault] = 1 from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] as A inner join @deleted as B on A.[ExtensionType] = B.[ExtensionType] where B.[IsDefault] = 1 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_Modify]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_Modify] @usageID uniqueidentifier , @name varchar(50) , @extensionClassName varchar(max) , @extensionDisplayName varchar(max) , @parameterValues xml as update [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] set [Name] = @name , [ExtensionClassName] = @extensionClassName , [ExtensionDisplayName] = @extensionDisplayName , [ParameterValues] = @parameterValues where [ID] = @usageID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_List]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage_List] @extensionType tinyint = null as select [ID] , [Name] , [IsDefault] , [ExtensionType] , [ExtensionClassName] , [ExtensionDisplayName] , [ParameterValues] from [mig_director].[ExtensionUsage] where @extensionType is null or [ExtensionType] = @extensionType order by [ExtensionType] , [Name] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[GetSchemaLevel]...'; GO create procedure [mig_director].[GetSchemaLevel] as select 1; GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[_Log_UpdateCount]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[_Log_UpdateCount] @logTime dateTime2(7) , @tableName varchar(50) , @deletedCount int , @statement varchar(max) as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() update [mig_garbage].[Log] set [Deleted] = [Deleted] + @deletedCount , [LastDeleteTime] = @now where [LogTime] = @logTime and [TableName] = @tableName if 0 = @@rowcount begin insert [mig_garbage].[Log] ( [LogTime] , [TableName] , [Statement] , [StartTime] , [LastDeleteTime] , [Deleted] ) values ( @logTime , @tableName , @statement , @now , @now , @deletedCount ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_ListDetail]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_ListDetail] @logTime datetime2(7) as select [LogTime] , [TableName] , 'sql' as [StatementMark] , [Statement] as [StatementText] , [Deleted] , [StartTime] , [EndTime] , case when [ErrorMessage] is null then '' else 'err' end as [ErrorMark] , [ErrorMessage] from [mig_garbage].[Log] where [LogTime] = @logTime order by [TableName] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_Cleanup]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_Cleanup] @logsToKeep int as declare @logs table([LogTime] datetime2(7)) -- Get all candidates (logs with out any errors) insert @logs select distinct A.[LogTime] from [mig_garbage].[Log] as A where not exists (select 1 from [mig_garbage].[Log] as B where B.[LogTime] = A.[LogTime] and B.[ErrorMessage] is not null) if @@rowCount > @logsToKeep begin -- Get the LogTime of oldest log to keep declare @oldest datetime2(2) select @oldest = min([LogTime]) from ( select top(@logsToKeep) [LogTime] , 'c' as [Constant] from @logs order by [LogTime] desc ) as T -- Delete logs to keep from candidates delete from @logs where [LogTime] >= @oldest -- Finally delete all the remaining candidates from Log table delete from [mig_garbage].[Log] from [mig_garbage].[Log] as A inner join @logs as B on B.[LogTime] = A.[LogTime] end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_Finish]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_Finish] @logTime datetime2 , @tableName varchar(50) , @errorMessage varchar(max) = null as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() update [mig_garbage].[Log] set [EndTime] = sysdatetime() , [ErrorMessage] = @errorMessage where [LogTime] = @logTime and [TableName] = @tableName if 0 = @@rowcount and @errorMessage is not null begin insert [mig_garbage].[Log] ( [LogTime] , [TableName] , [Statement] , [ErrorMessage] , [StartTime] , [LastDeleteTime] , [Deleted] ) values ( @logTime , @tableName , 'missing' , @errorMessage , @now , @now , 0 ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_List] as ;with Lst ([LogTime] , [EndTime]) as ( select A.[LogTime] , A.[EndTime] from [mig_garbage].[Log] as A where not exists (select 1 from [mig_garbage].[Log] as B where B.[LogTime] = A.[LogTime] and B.[Endtime] is null) and A.[EndTime] = ( select top(1) C.[EndTime] from [mig_garbage].[Log] as C where C.[LogTime] = A.[LogTime] order by C.[EndTime] desc ) ) , Err ([LogTime]) as ( select top(1) A.[LogTime] from [mig_garbage].[Log] as A where exists (select 1 from [mig_garbage].[Log] as B where B.[LogTime] = A.[LogTime] and B.[ErrorMessage] is not null) ) , Hdr ([LogTime], [Deleted]) as ( select [LogTime] , sum([Deleted]) from [mig_garbage].[Log] group by [LogTime] ) select distinct Hdr.[LogTime] , Lst.[EndTime] , case when Err.[LogTime] is null then 0 else 1 end as HasError , Hdr.[Deleted] from Hdr left outer join Lst on Hdr.[LogTime] = Lst.[LogTime] left outer join Err on Hdr.[LogTime] = Err.[LogTime] where Err.[LogTime] is not null or Hdr.[Deleted] > 0 order by Hdr.[LogTime] desc GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[Rows_Delete]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[Rows_Delete] @logTime dateTime2(7) , @tableName varchar(50) , @newest datetime2(7) , @batchSize int , @reportInterval int as -- Garbage collector must always be chosen as the deadlock victim -- Transaction and Retry logic on deadlocks reside in the c# GarbageCollector set deadlock_priority low declare @selectSql nvarchar(max) = [mig_garbage].[BuildStatement]( 'select top(' + convert(varchar(10), @batchSize) + ') 1' , @tableName ) declare @deleteSql nvarchar(max) = 'delete from [mig_item].[' + @tableName + '] where current of @cursor' declare @statement varchar(max) = 'declare @newest datetime2(7) = ''' + convert(varchar(max), @newest) + '''' + char(13) + @selectSql -- The print will send the statement to the Sql output (collected in JobInstanceLog in case of an error) print @statement declare @csrSql nvarchar(max) = 'set @cursor = cursor local for ' + @selectSql + char(13) + 'open @cursor' -- Important to open in the dynamic sql scope. It is at this point the @cursor vairable is assigned declare @csr cursor exec sp_executeSql @csrSql, N'@newest datetime2(7), @cursor cursor output', @newest = @newest, @cursor = @csr output -- Loop thru cursor declare @dummy tinyint declare @batch int = 0 declare @total int = 0 fetch next from @csr into @dummy while @@fetch_status = 0 begin exec sp_executeSql @deleteSql, N'@cursor cursor', @cursor = @csr -- delete row set @batch = @batch + 1 if @batch >= @reportInterval begin set @total = @total + @batch exec [mig_garbage].[_Log_UpdateCount] @logTime, @tableName, @batch, @statement set @batch = 0 end fetch next from @csr into @dummy end close @csr deallocate @csr if 0 < @batch begin exec [mig_garbage].[_Log_UpdateCount] @logTime, @tableName, @batch, @statement end select @total GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[Tables_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[Tables_List] as select A.name from sys.tables as A where schema_name(A.schema_id) = 'mig_item' and A.name not in ('ExportKey') -- Are handled by synchronize and exists ( select 1 from sys.columns as B where A.object_id = B.object_id and B.name = 'JobId' ) union select 'Id' GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_Report]...'; GO create procedure [mig_garbage].[Log_Report] as declare @counts table ([Deleted] int) begin transaction update [mig_garbage].[Log] set [Reported] = [Deleted] , [LastReportTime] = sysdatetime() output Deleted.[Deleted] - Deleted.[Reported] into @counts where ([LastReportTime] is null or [LastReportTime] < [LastDeleteTime]) commit transaction select isnull(sum([Deleted]), 0) from @counts GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[_Log_InvalidateItems]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[_Log_InvalidateItems] @wasInvalidated [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet] readonly as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() -- Log the invalidated items -- (update and insert for the (improbable) occasion -- that and item is invalidated more that 1 time before -- being garbage collected) update [mig_item].[Garbage] set [InvalidatedTime] = @now from [mig_item].[Garbage] as A inner join @wasInvalidated as B on B.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and B.[InvalidJobId] = A.[JobId] and B.[InvalidJobInstanceId] = A.[JobInstanceId] and B.[Step] = A.[Step] insert [mig_item].[Garbage] with (RowLock) select A.[ItemId] , A.[InvalidJobId] , A.[InvalidJobInstanceId] , A.[Step] , @now , @now from @wasInvalidated as A left outer join [mig_item].[Garbage] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[InvalidJobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[InvalidJobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] where B.[ItemId] is null GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[_GetKeyId]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[_GetKeyId] @businessEntityName varchar(50) , @keyValue nvarchar(512) , @maxDeadlockRetries int , @keyId bigint output as select @keyId = [KeyId] from [mig_item].[MainKey] where [BusinessEntityName] = @businessEntityName and [KeyValue] = @keyValue if 0 = @@rowCount begin declare @retryCount int = 0 declare @identity table([KeyId] bigint) lblRetry: -- Guarded insert in case another thread has inserted the key after the select above and the insert now begin try -- Try insert first insert [mig_item].[mainKey] ( [BusinessEntityName] , [KeyValue] ) output inserted.[KeyId] into @identity values ( @businessEntityName , @keyValue ) select @keyId = [KeyId] from @identity end try begin catch -- Insert failed declare @err int = @@error if 2601 = @err begin -- 2601 Duplicate in unique index for InterfaceEntityName and KeyValue select @keyId = [KeyId] from [mig_item].[MainKey] where [BusinessEntityName] = @businessEntityName and [KeyValue] = @keyValue end else if @err in (1205, 1222) begin -- 1205: Transaction (Process ID %d) was deadlocked on %.*ls resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. -- 1222: Lock request time out period exceeded. set @retryCount = @retryCount + 1 if @retryCount > @maxDeadlockRetries begin goto lblError end else begin waitfor delay '00:00:00.1' delete from @identity goto lblRetry end end else begin -- Other error goto lblError end end catch end return lblError: declare @errMessage nvarchar(4000) = error_message() declare @errSeverity int = error_severity() declare @errState int = error_state() raiserror(@errMessage, @errSeverity, @errState) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Audit_Insert]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Audit_Insert] @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @step tinyint , @compress bit , @result nvarchar(max) as insert [mig_item].[Audit] ( [Itemid] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [_ResultCompressed] , [_ResultUncompressed] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @step , case @compress when 1 then compress(@result) else null end , case @compress when 0 then @result else null end ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[Audit_EntityList]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_director].[Audit_EntityList] as select A.[PartitionValue] , A.[EntityID] , A.[BusinessEntityName] , A.[EntityName] , A.[Count] , A.[Exported] , A.[Dropped] , A.[Discarded] as [ExpDiscarded] , isnull(B.[Imported], 0) as [Imported] , isnull(B.[Discarded], 0) as [ImpDiscarded] from [mig_director].[_Export_Statistics]() as A left outer join [mig_director].[_Import_Statistics]() as B on A.[PartitionValue] = B.[PartitionValue] and A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] where A.[PartitionValue] is not null GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Audit_Result]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Audit_Result] as with src as ( select [ItemId] , [Result] from [mig_valid].[Audit] with (NoLock) where [Step] = 0 ) , tgt as ( select [ItemId] , [Result] from [mig_valid].[Audit] with (NoLock) where [Step] = 1 ) , aud as ( select coalesce(src.[ItemId], tgt.[ItemId]) as [ItemId] , src.[Result] as [SourceAudit] , tgt.[Result] as [TargetAudit] from src full outer join tgt on src.[ItemId] = tgt.[ItemId] ) select A.[ItemId] as [itemId] , B.[EntityID] as [entityID] , C.[PartitionValue] as [partitionValue] , B.[BreakFields] as [sourceKey] , D.[KeyValue] as [migrationKey] , A.[SourceAudit] as [sourceAudit] , A.[TargetAudit] as [targetAudit] from aud as A inner join [mig_item].[Exportkey] as B with (nolock) on A.[ItemId]= B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[item] as C with (nolock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[Mainkey] as D with (nolock) on C.[KeyId] = D.[KeyId] for xml path('item'), root('audit') GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Xml_GetSource]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Xml_GetSource] @itemId bigint , @xmlData varchar(max) output , @nXmlData nvarchar(max) output as select top(1) @xmldata = [Xmldata] , @nXmldata = [NXmlData] from [mig_item].[SourceXml] with (NoLock) where [ItemId] = @itemId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Xml_GetExport]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Xml_GetExport] @itemId bigint , @xmlData varchar(max) output , @nXmlData nvarchar(max) output as select top(1) @xmldata = [Xmldata] , @nXmldata = [NXmlData] from [mig_item].[ExportXml] with (NoLock) where [ItemId] = @itemId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Xml_GetTarget]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Xml_GetTarget] @itemId bigint , @xmlData varchar(max) output , @nXmlData nvarchar(max) output as select top(1) @xmldata = [Xmldata] , @nXmldata = [NXmlData] from [mig_item].[TargetXml] with (NoLock) where [ItemId] = @itemId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Identity_GetString]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Identity_GetString] @entityName varchar(64) , @targetEntityID uniqueidentifier , @targetFieldID uniqueidentifier , @xPath varchar(512) , @keyString nvarchar(1024) , @value varchar(max) output as set NoCount off -- Used to return the number of affected records declare @selectedValue varchar(max) select @selectedValue = [StringValue] from [mig_item].[Identity] where [EntityName] = @entityName and [TargetEntityID] = @targetEntityID and [TargetFieldID] = @targetFieldID and [XPath] = @xPath and [KeyString] = @keyString if @@rowCount = 0 begin insert into [mig_item].[Identity] ( [EntityName] , [TargetEntityID] , [TargetFieldID] , [XPath] , [KeyString] , [StringValue] ) values ( @entityName , @targetEntityID , @targetFieldID , @xPath , @keyString , @value ) end else if @selectedValue is null -- KeyValue existed, but the KeyString was not set begin update [mig_item].[Identity] set [StringValue] = @value where [EntityName] = @entityName and [TargetEntityID] = @targetEntityID and [TargetFieldID] = @targetFieldID and [XPath] = @xPath and [KeyString] = @keyString end else begin set @value = @selectedValue end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Identity_GetNumber]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Identity_GetNumber] @entityName varchar(64) , @targetEntityID uniqueidentifier , @targetFieldID uniqueidentifier , @xPath varchar(512) , @keyString nvarchar(1024) , @value bigint = 0 output as select @value = [NumberValue] from [mig_item].[Identity] where [EntityName] = @entityName and [TargetEntityID] = @targetEntityID and [TargetFieldID] = @targetFieldID and [XPath] = @xPath and [KeyString] = @keyString if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert into [mig_item].[Identity] ( [EntityName] , [TargetEntityID] , [TargetFieldID] , [XPath] , [KeyString] ) values ( @entityName , @targetEntityID , @targetFieldID , @xPath , @keyString ) set @value = SCOPE_IDENTITY() end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[SavedString_Set]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_item].[SavedString_Set] ( @itemId bigint , @keyValue varchar(256) , @stringValue nvarchar(max) = '' , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int ) AS update [mig_item].[SavedString] with (RowLock) set [StringValue] = @stringValue where [ItemId] = @itemId and [KeyValue] = @keyValue and [Jobid] = @jobId and [JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert into [mig_item].[SavedString] with (RowLock) ( [KeyValue] , [ItemId] , [StringValue] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] ) values ( @keyValue , @itemId , @stringValue , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , 1 -- Conversion ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[SavedString_Get]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_item].[SavedString_Get] ( @keyValue varchar(256) ) AS select [StringValue] from [mig_valid].[SavedString] with (NoLock) where [KeyValue] = @keyValue GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[InsertProcessed]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[InsertProcessed]( @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @step int , @elapsedTicks bigint , @level int = null ) as update [mig_item].[Processed] set [JobId] = @jobId , [JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId , [ElapsedTicks] = @elapsedTicks , [Level] = @level where [ItemId] = @itemId and [Step] = @step if 0 = @@rowCount begin insert [mig_item].[Processed] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [ElapsedTicks] , [Level] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @step , @elapsedTicks , @level ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_Dependency_Insert]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_Dependency_Insert] @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @businessEntityName varchar(50) , @keyValue varchar(512) , @maxDeadlockRetries int as -- Get KeyId declare @keyId bigint exec [mig_item].[_GetKeyId] @businessEntityName, @keyValue, @maxDeadlockRetries, @keyId output insert [mig_item].[Dependency] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [DependentOnKeyId] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , 0 -- Export , @keyId ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipSaveValue]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipSaveValue] @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @itemPath varchar(512) , @valueType tinyint , @keyValues varchar(512) , @fieldId uniqueidentifier , @value varchar(max) as insert [mig_item].[RelationshipValue] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [ItemPath] , [ValueType] , [KeyValues] , [FieldId] , [Value] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , 1 -- Import , @itemPath , @valueType , @keyValues , @fieldId , @value ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipSaveKey]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipSaveKey] ( @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @itemPath varchar(256) , @keyValues varchar(512) ) AS insert into [mig_item].[RelationshipKey] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [ItemPath] , [KeyValues] ) values ( @ItemId , @JobId , @jobInstanceId , 1 -- Import , @itemPath , @keyValues ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetValue]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetValue] ( @itemPath varchar(256), @valueType tinyint, @keyValues varchar(512), @fieldId uniqueidentifier, @value varchar(max) output ) AS set @value = null select top(1) @value = [Value] from [mig_valid].[RelationshipValue] with (NoLock) where [ItemPath] = @itemPath and [ValueType] = @valueType and [FieldId] = @fieldId and [KeyValues] = @keyValues GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipExists]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipExists] ( @itemPath varchar(256), @keyValues varchar(512), @response bit output ) AS set NoCount on set @response = 0 select top(1) @response = 1 from [mig_valid].[RelationshipKey] with (NoLock) where [ItemPath] = @itemPath and [KeyValues] = @keyValues GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[mport_RelationshipSaveBagPropertyValue]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipSaveBagPropertyValue] @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @itemPath varchar(512) , @bag varchar(256) , @property varchar(256) , @keyValues nvarchar(512) , @value xml = null as insert [mig_item].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [ItemPath] , [Bag] , [Property] , [KeyValues] , [Value] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , 1 -- Import , @itemPath , @bag , @property , @keyValues , @value ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetBagPropertyValue]' GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetBagPropertyValue] @itemPath varchar(256), @bag varchar(256), @property varchar(256), @keyValues nvarchar(512), @value xml output as set @value = null select top(1) @value = [Value] from [mig_valid].[RelationshipBagPropertyValue] with (NoLock) where [ItemPath] = @itemPath and [Bag] = @bag and [Property] = @property and [KeyValues] = @keyValues GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_Item_Insert]...'; GO create procedure [mig_item].[Import_Item_Insert] @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @result tinyint , @targetXml varchar(max) = null , @nTargetXml nvarchar(max) = null , @fastTrack bit , @compress bit as declare @step tinyint = 1 -- Convert ------------------------------------------- -- Insert or update Item for this iteration ------------------------------------------- declare @commit bigint declare @cleanWorkspace bit select top(1) @commit = [Commit] , @cleanWorkspace = [CleanWorkspace] from [mig_director].[Engine] where [ProjectType] = 'Target' merge into [mig_item].[ImportItem] as tgt using (select @itemId as [ItemId]) as src on (tgt.[ItemId] = src.[ItemId]) when matched then update set tgt.[JobId] = @jobId , tgt.[JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId , tgt.[Result] = @result , tgt.[Commit] = isnull(@commit, 0) , tgt.[CleanWorkspace] = isnull(@cleanWorkspace, 0) when not matched then insert ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Result] , [Commit] , [CleanWorkspace] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @result , isnull(@commit, 0) , isnull(@cleanWorkspace, 0) ); if 0 = @@error and (@targetXml is not null or @nTargetXml is not null) begin --------------------------------------------------- -- Handle the compress and nvarchar logic first --------------------------------------------------- declare @xmlCompressed varbinary(max) = case @compress when 1 then compress(@targetXml) else null end declare @xmlUncompressed varchar(max) = case @compress when 0 then @targetXml else null end declare @nXmlCompressed varbinary(max) = case @compress when 1 then compress(@nTargetXml) else null end declare @nXmlUncompressed nvarchar(max) = case @compress when 0 then @nTargetXml else null end --------------------------------------------------- -- Insert or update TargetXml for this iteration --------------------------------------------------- merge into [mig_item].[TargetXml] as tgt using (select @itemId as [ItemId]) as src on (tgt.[ItemId] = src.[ItemId]) when matched then update set tgt.[JobId] = @jobId , tgt.[JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId , tgt.[_XmlCompressed] = @xmlCompressed , tgt.[_XmlUncompressed] = @xmlUncompressed , tgt.[_NXmlCompressed] = @nXmlCompressed , tgt.[_NXmlUncompressed] = @nXmlUncompressed , tgt.[CreationDate] = sysdatetime() when not matched then insert ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [_XmlCompressed] , [_XmlUncompressed] , [_NXmlCompressed] , [_NXmlUncompressed] , [CreationDate] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @xmlCompressed , @xmlUncompressed , @nXmlCompressed , @nXmlUncompressed , sysdatetime() ); end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_Unload]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Import_Unload] @limit bigint , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @xmlEncoding varchar(50) , @key varchar(max) = null as with items as ( select A.[ItemId] from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ImportItem] as B with (NoLock) on B.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and B.[Result] = 2 -- 3: Success inner join [mig_item].[Active] as C with (NoLock) on C.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and C.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and C.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and C.[Step] = 1 -- 1: Import inner join [mig_item].[Item] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as E on D.[KeyId] = E.[KeyId] and (@key is null or E.[KeyValue] like @key) where A.[EntityID] = @entityID ) select T.[Xmldata] from ( select 0 as [Sequence], N'' as [Xmldata] union all select 1 as [Sequence], N'' union all select top(@limit) 2 , isnull(B.[NXmldata], B.[XmlData]) -- Important that NXmlData is the first parameter in the isnull() because that determines the return type to nvarchar from items as A inner join [mig_item].[TargetXml] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where B.[_XmlCompressed] is not null or B.[_XmlUncompressed] is not null or B.[_NXmlCompressed] is not null or B.[_NXmlUncompressed] is not null union all select 3, N'' ) as T order by [Sequence] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_Unload]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_Unload] @limit bigint , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @xmlEncoding varchar(50) as with items as ( select A.[ItemId] from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as B with (NoLock) on B.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and B.[Result] = 0 -- 0: Exported inner join [mig_item].[Active] as C with (NoLock) on C.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and C.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and C.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and C.[Step] = 0 -- 0: Export where A.[EntityID] = @entityID ) select T.[Xmldata] from ( select 0 as [Sequence], N'' as [Xmldata] union all select 1 as [Sequence], N'' union all select top(@limit) 2 , isnull(B.[NXmldata], B.[XmlData]) -- Important that NXmlData is the first parameter in the isnull() because that determines the return type to nvarchar from items as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportXml] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where B.[_XmlCompressed] is not null or B.[_XmlUncompressed] is not null or B.[_NXmlCompressed] is not null or B.[_NXmlUncompressed] is not null union all select 3, N'' ) as T order by Sequence GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetXml_Import]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetXml_Import] @entityName varchar(50) , @keyValue nvarchar(512) , @xmlData varchar(max) output , @nXmlData nvarchar(max) output as select @xmlData = C.[XmlData] , @nXmlData = C.[NXmldata] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[KeyId] = B.[KeyId] inner join [mig_item].[TargetXml] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where B.[BusinessEntityName] = @entityName and B.[KeyValue] = @keyValue and (C.[XmlData] is not null or C.[NXmlData] is not null) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetEntityIDsForItemSet]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetEntityIDsForItemSet] @setId bigint as select A.[EntityID] from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ItemSet] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[SetId] = @setId group by A.[EntityID] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[_Export_CountItems]...'; GO create procedure [mig_item].[_Export_CountItems] @jobId int as --This procedure expects the temporary table #itemsToExport -- [ItemId] if object_id('tempdb..#itemsToExport') is null begin raiserror('Expected temp table #itemsToExport does not exist', 16, 1) -- Dummy code to avoid reference error on temp table #itemsToExport in Visual Studio create table #itemsToExport ( [ExportID] uniqueidentifier , [EntityID] uniqueidentifier , [ItemId] bigint , [BreakFields] varchar(512) ) end if not exists (select 1 from [mig_director].[JobData] where [JobId] = @jobId and [Type] = 'ExportCount') begin declare @xml varchar(max) = ( select B.[EntityName] , count(*) as [Count] from #itemsToExport as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] group by B.[EntityName] order by B.[EntityName] for xml path, root ('Count') ) insert [mig_director].[JobData] values (@jobId, 'ExportCount', @xml, sysdatetime()) end select * from #itemsToExport order by [ItemId] GO PRINT N'Creating Type [mig_item].[ItemIdList]...'; GO create type [mig_item].[ItemIdList] as table ( [ItemId] bigint not null , primary key ([ItemId]) ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[_Import_CalculateLevels]...'; GO create procedure [mig_item].[_Import_CalculateLevels] @jobId int , @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] readonly , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit as select A.[ItemId] , B.[KeyId] , C.[DependentOnKeyId] into #itemDependencies from [mig_item].[_Import_IncludeDependencies](@itemIds, @includeDescendants, @includeAncestors) as A inner join [mig_item].[Item] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] left outer join [mig_valid].[Dependency] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and B.[KeyId] <> C.[DependentOnKeyId] -- Avoid self-referencing items create index __IX_ItemDependencies_1 on #itemDependencies ( [KeyId] asc ) create index __IX_ItemDependencies_2 on #itemDependencies ( [DependentOnKeyId] asc ) ----------------------------------- -- Start recursive CTE ----------------------------------- ;with levels as ( -- Anchor is root items, ie items not depending on any other select A.[ItemId] , A.[KeyId] , A.[DependentOnKeyId] , 0 as [Level] from #itemDependencies as A left outer join #itemDependencies as B on A.[DependentOnKeyId] = B.[KeyId] where B.[KeyId] is null union all -- Recursion select A.[ItemId] , A.[KeyId] , A.[DependentOnKeyId] , B.[Level] + 1 from #itemDependencies as A inner join levels as B on A.[DependentOnKeyId] = B.[KeyId] ) select [ItemId] , [Level] , [KeyId] , [DependentOnKeyId] into #levels from levels option (maxrecursion 50) ----------------------------------- -- End recursive CTE ----------------------------------- create index __IX_Levels on #levels ( [ItemId] asc , [Level] desc ) select A.[ItemId] , max(A.[Level]) as [Level] , B.[EntityID] into #result from #levels as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] group by A.[ItemId] , B.[EntityID] create index __IX_Result on #result ( [Level] asc , [EntityID] desc ) if not exists (select 1 from [mig_director].[JobData] where [JobId] = @jobId and [Type] = 'ImportCount') begin declare @xml varchar(max) = ( select A.[Level] , C.[BusinessEntityName] as [EntityName] , count(*) as [Count] from #result as A inner join [mig_director].[ExportEntity] as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] inner join [mig_director].[BusinessEntity] as C on B.[BusinessEntityID] = C.[BusinessEntityID] group by A.[Level] , C.[BusinessEntityName] order by A.[Level] , C.[BusinessEntityName] for xml path, root ('Count') ) insert [mig_director].[JobData] values (@jobId, 'ImportCount', @xml, sysdatetime()) end select A.[ItemId] , A.[Level] , A.[EntityID] from #result as A left outer join [mig_item].[Processed] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[JobId] = @jobId where B.[ItemId] is null order by A.[Level] , A.[ItemId] % 10000 GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[_Import_Unload_DependenciesXml]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[_Import_Unload_DependenciesXml] @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] readonly , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit , @xmlEncoding varchar(50) as select T.[Xmldata] from ( select 0 as [Sequence], N'' as [Xmldata] union all select 1 as [Sequence], N'' union all select 2 , isnull(B.[NXmldata], B.[XmlData]) -- Important that NXmlData is the first parameter in the isnull() because that determines the return type to nvarchar from [mig_item].[_Import_IncludeDependencies](@itemIds, @includeDescendants, @includeAncestors) as A inner join [mig_item].[TargetXml] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where B.[_XmlCompressed] is not null or B.[_XmlUncompressed] is not null or B.[_NXmlCompressed] is not null or B.[_NXmlUncompressed] is not null union all select 3, N'' ) as T order by [Sequence] GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_Unload_DependenciesByEntityID]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Import_Unload_DependenciesByEntityID] @limit bigint , @entityIDs varchar(max) -- Comma-separated Guids , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit , @xmlEncoding varchar(50) , @key varchar(max) = null as declare @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] declare @entityID uniqueidentifier declare csrUser cursor for select distinct [Id] from [mig_utility].[ParseGuids](@entityIDs, ',') open csrUser fetch next from csrUser into @entityID while @@fetch_status = 0 begin insert @itemIds select top(@limit) A.[ItemId] from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ImportItem] as B with (NoLock) on B.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and B.[Result] = 2 -- 3: Success inner join [mig_item].[Active] as C with (NoLock) on C.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and C.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and C.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and C.[Step] = 1 -- 1: Import inner join [mig_item].[Item] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as E on D.[KeyId] = E.[KeyId] and (@key is null or E.[KeyValue] like @key) where A.[EntityID] = @entityID fetch next from csrUser into @entityID end close csrUser deallocate csrUser exec [mig_item].[_Import_Unload_DependenciesXml] @itemIds, @includeDescendants, @includeAncestors, @xmlEncoding GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_Unload_DependenciesByItemSet]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Import_Unload_DependenciesByItemSet] ( @limit bigint , @setIdlist varchar(max) , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit , @xmlEncoding varchar(50) , @key varchar(max) = null ) as declare @setIds table([SetId] bigint, primary key ([SetId])) insert @setIds select convert(bigint, [Value]) from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@setIdlist, ',') declare @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] declare @setId bigint declare csrUser cursor for select distinct convert(bigint, [Value]) from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@setIdlist, ',') open csrUser fetch next from csrUser into @setId while @@fetch_status = 0 begin insert @itemIds select top(@limit) B.[ItemId] from [mig_item].[ItemSet] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[ImportItem] as C with (NoLock) on C.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and C.[Result] = 2 -- 3: Success inner join [mig_item].[Active] as D with (NoLock) on D.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and D.[JobId] = C.[JobId] and D.[JobInstanceId] = C.[JobInstanceId] and D.[Step] = 1 -- 1: Import inner join [mig_item].[Item] as E with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = E.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as F on E.[KeyId] = F.[KeyId] and (@key is null or F.[KeyValue] like @key) where A.[SetId] = @setId fetch next from csrUser into @setId end close csrUser deallocate csrUser exec [mig_item].[_Import_Unload_DependenciesXml] @itemIds, @includeDescendants, @includeAncestors, @xmlEncoding GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Identity_GetGuid]...'; GO create PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Identity_GetGuid] @entityName varchar(64) , @targetEntityID uniqueidentifier , @targetFieldID uniqueidentifier , @xPath varchar(512) , @keyString nvarchar(1024) , @value uniqueidentifier output as set NoCount off -- Used to return the number of affected records declare @selectedValue uniqueidentifier select @selectedValue = [GuidValue] from [mig_item].[Identity] where [EntityName] = @entityName and [TargetEntityID] = @targetEntityID and [TargetFieldID] = @targetFieldID and [XPath] = @xPath and [KeyString] = @keyString if @@rowCount = 0 begin set @value = newid() insert into [mig_item].[Identity] ( [EntityName] , [TargetEntityID] , [TargetFieldID] , [XPath] , [KeyString] , [GuidValue] ) values ( @entityName , @targetEntityID , @targetFieldID , @xPath , @keyString , @value ) end else if @selectedValue is null -- KeyValue existed, but the KeyGuid was not set begin set @value = newid() update [mig_item].[Identity] set [GuidValue] = @value where [EntityName] = @entityName and [TargetEntityID] = @targetEntityID and [TargetFieldID] = @targetFieldID and [XPath] = @xPath and [KeyString] = @keyString end else begin set @value = @selectedValue end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetXml_Export]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_RelationshipGetXml_Export] @entityName varchar(50) , @keyValue nvarchar(512) , @xmlData varchar(max) output , @nXmlData nvarchar(max) output as select @xmlData = C.[XmlData] , @nXmlData = C.[NXmldata] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[KeyId] = B.[KeyId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportXml] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where B.[BusinessEntityName] = @entityName and B.[KeyValue] = @keyValue and (C.[XmlData] is not null or C.[NXmlData] is not null) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Event_InsertUser]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Event_InsertUser]( @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @step tinyint , @engine tinyint , @disposition tinyint , @impact tinyint , @receiver int , @eventName varchar(50) , @eventID uniqueidentifier , @eventTextID uniqueidentifier , @parameterXml nvarchar(max) , @parameterHash binary(20) , @groupHash binary(20) , @xPath varchar(512) = null ) as insert [mig_item].[EventUser] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [Engine] , [Disposition] , [Impact] , [Receiver] , [EventName] , [EventID] , [EventTextID] , [ParameterXml] , [ParameterHash] , [GroupHash] , [XPath] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @step , @engine , @disposition , @impact , @receiver , @eventName , @eventID , @eventTextID , @parameterXml , @parameterHash , @groupHash , @xPath ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Event_InsertSystem]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Event_InsertSystem]( @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @step tinyint , @engine tinyint , @disposition tinyint , @impact tinyint , @receiver tinyint , @message varchar(256) , @parameterXml nvarchar(max) , @parameterHash binary(20) , @groupHash binary(20) , @xPath varchar(512) = null ) as insert [mig_item].[EventSystem] ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Step] , [Engine] , [Disposition] , [Impact] , [Receiver] , [Message] , [ParameterXml] , [ParameterHash] , [GroupHash] , [XPath] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @step , @engine , @disposition , @impact , @receiver , @message , @parameterXml , @parameterHash , @groupHash , @xPath ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_profile].[JobInsert]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_profile].[JobInsert] ( @jobInstanceId int , @frameId char(32) , @parentFrameId char(32) = null , @location varchar(max) , @codeLocationID uniqueidentifier , @profilingType varchar(50) , @scope varchar(256) , @fullScope varchar(max) , @ticksInclusive bigint , @ticksExclusive bigint , @count int ) as insert into [mig_profile].[Frame] ( [JobInstanceId] , [FrameId] , [ParentFrameId] , [Location] , [CodeLocationID] , [ProfilingType] , [Scope] , [FullScope] ) values ( @jobInstanceId , @frameId , @parentFrameId , @location , @codeLocationID , @profilingType , @scope , @fullScope ) insert into [mig_profile].[Job] ( [JobInstanceId] , [FrameId] , [TicksInclusive] , [TicksExclusive] , [Count] ) values ( @jobInstanceId , @frameId , @ticksInclusive , @ticksExclusive , @count ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_profile].[ItemInsert]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_profile].[ItemInsert] ( @jobInstanceId int , @itemId bigint , @frameId char(32) , @ticksInclusive bigint , @ticksExclusive bigint , @count int ) as insert into [mig_profile].[Item] ( [JobInstanceId] , [ItemId] , [FrameId] , [TicksInclusive] , [TicksExclusive] , [Count] ) values ( @jobInstanceId , @itemId , @frameId , @ticksInclusive , @ticksExclusive , @count ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_profile].[TraceInsert]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_profile].[TraceInsert] ( @traceID uniqueidentifier , @parentTraceID uniqueidentifier = null , @jobInstanceId bigint , @itemId bigint , @frameId char(32) , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @ticksInclusive bigint , @ticksExclusive bigint , @count int , @itemPath varchar(1024) = null ) as insert into [mig_profile].[Trace] ( [TraceID] , [ParentTraceID] , [FrameId] , [JobInstanceId] , [ItemId] , [EntityID] , [TicksInclusive] , [TicksExclusive] , [Count] , [ItemPath] ) values ( @traceID , @parentTraceID , @frameId , @jobInstanceId , @itemId , @entityID , @ticksInclusive , @ticksExclusive , @count , @itemPath ) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_profile].[ListAll]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_profile].[ListAll]( @jobInstanceId int ) AS declare @items bit = 0 select @items = 1 from [mig_profile].[Item] where [JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId select @items as [HasItems] select A.[FrameId] , isnull(A.[ParentFrameId], '') as [ParentFrameId] , A.[ProfilingType] , A.[Scope] , A.[FullScope] , B.[TicksInclusive] , B.[TicksExclusive] , B.[Count] from [mig_profile].[Frame] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_profile].[Job] as B with (NoLock) on A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and A.[FrameId] = B.[FrameId] where A.[JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_tracking].[Actual_List]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_tracking].[Actual_List] as begin set nocount on ----------------------------------------------------- -- List SmartTexts ----------------------------------------------------- select [ItemID] , [Xml] from [mig_director].[SmartText] ----------------------------------------------------- -- User Events ----------------------------------------------------- select distinct A.[EventId] , A.[EventTextId] , A.[Engine] , A.[Step] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Receiver] , A.[EventName] , cast(case when B.[ItemID] is null then 1 else 0 end as bit) as [TextMissing] into #userMessage from [mig_valid].[EventUser] as A left outer join [mig_director].[SmartText] as B on B.[ItemID] = A.[EventTextId] select [EventId] , [EventTextId] , [Engine] , [Step] , [Disposition] , [Impact] , [Receiver] , [EventName] from #userMessage ----------------------------------------------------- -- System Events ----------------------------------------------------- select distinct [Engine] , [Step] , [Disposition] , [Impact] , [Receiver] , [Message] from [mig_valid].[EventSystem] ----------------------------------------------------- -- List current PartitionValues ----------------------------------------------------- select distinct [PartitionValue] from [mig_valid].[Item] ----------------------------------------------------- -- Report missing smarttexts for User Events ----------------------------------------------------- select [EventTextID] , [EventName] from #userMessage where [TextMissing] = 1 end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_Delete]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_Delete] @baselineId int as set nocount on; delete [mig_tracking].[Baseline] where [BaselineId] = @baselineId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_List]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_tracking].[Baseline_List] as select [BaselineId] , [Title] , [Time] , [IsCurrent] , [Comment] from [mig_tracking].[Baseline] order by [Time] desc GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_Modify]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_Modify] @baselineId int , @time DateTime2 , @title nvarchar(128) , @comment nvarchar(max) = null as update [mig_tracking].[Baseline] set [Title] = @title , [Time] = @time , [Comment] = @comment where [BaselineId] = @baselineId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_Save]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_Save] @title nvarchar(128) , @time DateTime2 , @comment nvarchar(max) , @setCurrent bit as set nocount on; declare @inserted table([BaselineId] int) -- Create Baseline insert [mig_tracking].[Baseline]( [Time] , [Title] , [Comment] , [IsCurrent] ) output inserted.[BaselineId] into @inserted values ( @time , @title , @comment , 0 ); if 1 = @setCurrent begin declare @baselineId int = (select top(1) [BaselineId] from @inserted) exec [mig_tracking].[Baseline_SetCurrent] @baselineId end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_SetCurrent]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_tracking].[Baseline_SetCurrent] @baselineId int as set nocount on; -- Clear current Baseline update [mig_tracking].[Baseline] set [IsCurrent] = case [BaselineId] when @baselineId then 1 else 0 end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_tracking].[Actual_Update]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_tracking].[Actual_Update] @systemMessages xml -- , @userMessages xml -- , @entitiesToProcess varchar(max) = null , @runDate datetime2 , @user varchar(256) , @jobInstanceId int as begin set nocount on; declare @start datetime = getdate() declare @logId bigint declare @text varchar(max) = '------------------------------------------------------------------ Elapsed [mig_tracking].[Actual_Update] ------------------------------------------------------------------' exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 0, @text, @logId output -- Table to hold EntityID to process declare @entities table(EntityID uniqueidentifier, primary key (EntityID)) if @entitiesToProcess is not null begin insert into @entities select distinct [Id] from [mig_utility].[ParseGuids](@entitiesToProcess, ',') end -- Table to hold known User Events from project database declare @userEvents table([MessageID] uniqueidentifier, [Step] tinyint, [Engine] tinyint, [Disposition] int, [Impact] int, [Receiver] int, [EventID] uniqueidentifier); with msgXml as ( select T.c.query('.') as [Msg] from @userMessages.nodes('/list/msg') T(c) ) insert @userEvents select [Msg].value('(*/messageID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') as [MessageID] , [Msg].value('(*/step)[1]', 'tinyint') as [Step] , [Msg].value('(*/engine)[1]', 'tinyint') as [Engine] , [Msg].value('(*/disposition)[1]', 'int') as [Disposition] , [Msg].value('(*/impact)[1]', 'int') as [Impact] , [Msg].value('(*/receiver)[1]', 'int') as [Receiver] , [Msg].value('(*/eventID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') as [EventID] from msgXml -- Table to hold known System Events from project database declare @systemEvents table([MessageID] uniqueidentifier, [Step] tinyint, [Engine] tinyint, [Disposition] int, [Impact] int, [Receiver] int, [MessageFmt] varchar(max)); with msgXml as ( select T.c.query('.') as [Msg] from @systemMessages.nodes('/list/msg') T(c) ) insert @systemEvents select [Msg].value('(*/messageID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') as [MessageID] , [Msg].value('(*/step)[1]', 'tinyint') as [Step] , [Msg].value('(*/engine)[1]', 'tinyint') as [Engine] , [Msg].value('(*/disposition)[1]', 'int') as [Disposition] , [Msg].value('(*/impact)[1]', 'int') as [Impact] , [Msg].value('(*/receiver)[1]', 'int') as [Receiver] , [Msg].value('(*/messageFmt)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as [MessageFmt] from msgXml ----------------------------------------------------- -- RootItem ----------------------------------------------------- if @entitiesToProcess is null begin drop index if exists [IX_RootItem_SourceKey] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem] drop index if exists [IX_RootItem_MigrationKey] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem] drop index if exists [PXML_RootItem_SourceKeyXml] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem] drop index if exists [PXML_RootItem_MigrationKeyXml] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem] truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootItem] end else begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Delete RootItem', @logId output delete [mig_tracking].[RootItem] from [mig_tracking].[RootItem] as A inner join @entities as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Insert RootItem', @logId output insert [mig_tracking].[RootItem] select [ItemId] , [PartitionValue] , [EntityID] , CAST([SourceKey] as XML) as [SourceKeyXml] , CAST([MigrationKey] as XML) as [MigrationKeyXml] , [IsExported] , [IsImported] , [ExportID] , [SourceCommit] , [SourceCleanWorkspace] , [TargetCommit] , [TargetCleanWorkspace] , [ExportJobId] , [ExportTime] , [ImportJobId] , [ImportTime] , @runDate from [mig_tracking].[VwRootItem] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or [EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 if not exists (select * from sys.indexes WHERE object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItem]') and name = N'IX_RootItem_SourceKey') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create SourceKey index on RootItem', @logId output create nonclustered index [IX_RootItem_SourceKey] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem] ( [EntityID] asc , [SourceKey] asc , [PartitionValue] asc ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end if not exists (select * from sys.indexes WHERE object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItem]') and name = N'IX_RootItem_MigrationKey') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create MigrationKey index on RootItem', @logId output create nonclustered index [IX_RootItem_MigrationKey] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem] ( [EntityID] asc , [MigrationKey] asc , [PartitionValue] asc ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end if not exists (select * from sys.indexes WHERE object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItem]') and name = N'PXML_RootItem_SourceKeyXml') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create SourceKeyXml index on RootItem', @logId output create primary xml index [PXML_RootItem_SourceKeyXml] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem]([SourceKeyXml]) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end if not exists (select * from sys.indexes WHERE object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItem]') and name = N'PXML_RootItem_MigrationKeyXml') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create MigrationKeyXml index on RootItem', @logId output create primary xml index [PXML_RootItem_MigrationKeyXml] on [mig_tracking].[RootItem]([MigrationKeyXml]) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end ----------------------------------------------------- -- RootItemLink ----------------------------------------------------- if @entitiesToProcess is null begin if exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemLink]') and name = N'IX_RootItemLink_TargetItemId') drop index [IX_RootItemLink_TargetItemId] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] if exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemLink]') and name = N'IX_RootItemLink_TargetEntityID') drop index [IX_RootItemLink_TargetEntityID] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] end else begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Delete RootItemLink', @logId output delete [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] from [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] as A inner join @entities as B on A.[TargetEntityID] = B.[EntityID] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Insert RootItemLink', @logId output insert [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] select [ParentItemId] , [ChildItemId] , [ChildEntityID] , @runDate from [mig_tracking].[VwRootItemLink] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or [ChildEntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 if not exists (select * from sys.indexes WHERE object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemLink]') and name = N'IX_RootItemLink_TargetItemId') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create TargetItemId index on RootItemLink', @logId output create nonclustered index [IX_RootItemLink_TargetItemId] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] ( [TargetItemId] asc ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end if not exists (select * from sys.indexes WHERE object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemLink]') and name = N'IX_RootItemLink_TargetEntityID') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create TargetEntityID index on RootItemLink', @logId output create nonclustered index [IX_RootItemLink_TargetEntityID] ON [mig_tracking].[RootItemLink] ( [TargetEntityID] asc ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end ----------------------------------------------------- -- EventParameter ----------------------------------------------------- exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Insert EventParameter', @logId output ;with usrEv as (select distinct [ParameterHash], [GroupHash], [ParameterXml] from [mig_valid].[EventUser]) , sysEv as (select distinct [ParameterHash], [GroupHash], [ParameterXml] from [mig_valid].[EventSystem]) , allEv as ( select * from usrEv union select * from sysEv ) insert [mig_tracking].[EventParameter] ( [HashValue] , [GroupHash] , [ParameterXml] , [RunDate] ) select A.[ParameterHash] , A.[GroupHash] , A.[ParameterXml] , @runDate from allEv as A left outer join [mig_tracking].[EventParameter] as B on B.[HashValue] = A.[ParameterHash] where B.[HashValue] is null exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 ----------------------------------------------------- -- RootItemEvent ----------------------------------------------------- if @entitiesToProcess is null begin if exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]') and name = N'IX_RootItemEvent_EntityID') drop index [IX_RootItemEvent_EntityID] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] if exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]') and name = N'IX_RootItemEvent') drop index [IX_RootItemEvent] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] if exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]') and name = N'IX_RootItemEvent_ItemId') drop index [IX_RootItemEvent_ItemId] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] end else begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Delete RootItemEvent', @logId output delete [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] from [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] as A inner join @entities as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end -- User events exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Insert RootItemEvent (User)', @logId output ;with [events] as ( select B.[EntityID] , C.[PartitionValue] , A.[ItemId] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[EventID] , A.[ParameterHash] , A.[GroupHash] , A.[ParameterXml] , count(*) AS [EventCount] from [mig_valid].[EventUser] as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[Item] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or B.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) group by B.[EntityID] , C.[PartitionValue] , A.[ItemId] , A.[Engine] , A.[Step] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[EventID] , A.[ParameterHash] , A.[GroupHash] , A.[ParameterXml] ) insert [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] ( [RowID] , [EntityID] , [ItemId] , [PartitionValue] , [MessageID] , [ParameterHash] , [GroupHash] , [EventCount] , [RunDate]) select newid() -- To detect problem with join , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[PartitionValue] , B.[MessageID] , A.[ParameterHash] , A.[GroupHash] , A.[EventCount] , @runDate from [events] as A inner join @userEvents as B on B.[Step] = A.[Step] and B.[Engine] = A.[Engine] and B.[Disposition] = A.[Disposition] and B.[Impact] = A.[Impact] and B.[Receiver] = A.[Receiver] and B.[EventID] = A.[EventID] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 -- System events exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Insert RootItemEvent (System)', @logId output ;with [events] as ( select B.[EntityID] , C.[PartitionValue] , A.[ItemId] , A.[Step] , A.[Engine] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Message] , A.[ParameterHash] , A.[GroupHash] , A.[ParameterXml] , count(*) AS [EventCount] from [mig_valid].[EventSystem] as A inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[Item] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or B.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) group by B.[EntityID] , C.[PartitionValue] , A.[ItemId] , A.[Engine] , A.[Step] , A.[Receiver] , A.[Disposition] , A.[Impact] , A.[Message] , A.[ParameterHash] , A.[GroupHash] , A.[ParameterXml] ) insert [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] ( [RowID] , [EntityID] , [ItemId] , [PartitionValue] , [MessageID] , [ParameterHash] , [GroupHash] , [EventCount] , [RunDate]) select newid() -- To detect problem with join , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[PartitionValue] , B.[MessageID] , A.[ParameterHash] , A.[GroupHash] , A.[EventCount] , @runDate from [events] as A inner join @systemEvents as B on B.[Step] = A.[Step] and B.[Engine] = A.[Engine] and B.[Disposition] = A.[Disposition] and B.[Impact] = A.[Impact] and B.[Receiver] = A.[Receiver] and B.[MessageFmt] = A.[Message] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 if not exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]') and name = N'IX_RootItemEvent_EntityID') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create EntityID index on RootItemEvent', @logId output create nonclustered index [IX_RootItemEvent_EntityID] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] ( [EntityID] asc ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end if not exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]') and name = N'IX_RootItemEvent') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create RootItemEvent index on RootItemEvent', @logId output create nonclustered index [IX_RootItemEvent] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] ( [MessageID] asc, [EntityID] asc, [PartitionValue] asc, [ItemId] asc ) include ( [ParameterHash] ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end if not exists (select * from sys.indexes where object_id = object_id(N'[mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent]') and name = N'IX_RootItemEvent_ItemId') begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Create RootItemEvent_ItemId index on RootItemEvent', @logId output create nonclustered index [IX_RootItemEvent_ItemId] on [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] ( [ItemId] asc ) exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end ----------------------------------------------------- -- RootEntityEvent ----------------------------------------------------- if @entitiesToProcess is null begin truncate table [mig_tracking].[RootEntityEvent]; end else begin exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Delete RootEntityEvent', @logId output delete [mig_tracking].[RootEntityEvent] from [mig_tracking].[RootEntityEvent] as A inner join @entities as B on A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 end exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Insert RootEntityEvent', @logId output insert [mig_tracking].[RootEntityEvent] ( [EntityID] , [PartitionValue] , [MessageID] , [ParameterHash] , [GroupHash] , [EventCount] , [ItemCount] , [RunDate]) select [EntityID] , [PartitionValue] , [MessageID] , [ParameterHash] , [GroupHash] , sum([EventCount]) , count(distinct [ItemId]) , @runDate from [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or [EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) group by [EntityID] , [PartitionValue] , [MessageID] , [ParameterHash] , [GroupHash] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 ----------------------------------------------------- -- PartitionEventCount ----------------------------------------------------- exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'PartitionEventCount, update', @logId output declare @addedCounts table( [MessageID] uniqueidentifier not null , [EntityID] uniqueidentifier not null , [PartitionValue] nvarchar(50) not null , [InstanceCount] int not null , [ItemCount] int not null ) declare @existingCounts table( [MessageID] uniqueidentifier not null , [EntityID] uniqueidentifier not null , [PartitionValue] nvarchar(50) not null , [InstanceCount] int not null , [ItemCount] int not null ) insert @existingCounts select A.[MessageID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[PartitionValue] , A.[InstanceCount] , A.[ItemCount] from [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount] as A where A.[Time] = ( select max([Time]) from [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount] as B where A.[MessageID] = B.[MessageID] and A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] and A.[PartitionValue] = B.[PartitionValue] ) ;with [newCounts] as ( select [MessageID] , [EntityID] , [PartitionValue] , sum([EventCount]) as [InstanceCount] , count(distinct [ItemId]) as [ItemCount] from [mig_tracking].[RootItemEvent] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or [EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) group by [MessageID] , [EntityID] , [PartitionValue] ) insert [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount] ( [MessageID] , [EntityID] , [PartitionValue] , [InstanceCount] , [ItemCount] , [Time] ) output inserted.[MessageID], inserted.[EntityID], inserted.[PartitionValue], inserted.[InstanceCount], inserted.[ItemCount] into @addedCounts select coalesce(A.[MessageID], B.[MessageID]) , coalesce(A.[EntityID], B.[EntityID]) , coalesce(A.[PartitionValue], B.[PartitionValue]) , isnull(A.[InstanceCount], 0) , isnull(A.[ItemCount], 0) , @runDate from [newCounts] as A full outer join @existingCounts as B on A.[MessageID] = B.[MessageID] and A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] and A.[PartitionValue] = B.[PartitionValue] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or coalesce(A.[EntityID], B.[EntityID]) in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) and ( isnull(A.[InstanceCount], 0) <> isnull(B.[InstanceCount], 0) or isnull(A.[ItemCount], 0) <> isnull(B.[ItemCount], 0) ) -- Log count changes insert [mig_tracking].[Log] select A.[MessageID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[PartitionValue] , case when B.[InstanceCount] is null then 0 -- Added else 1 -- Modified end , @runDate , @user , 'Instance Count (' + A.[PartitionValue] + ')' , format(isnull(B.[InstanceCount], 0), 'N0') , format(A.[InstanceCount], 'N0') from @addedCounts as A left outer join @existingCounts as B on A.[MessageID] = B.[MessageID] and A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] and A.[PartitionValue] = B.[PartitionValue] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 ----------------------------------------------------- -- Statistics ----------------------------------------------------- exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Statistics', @logId output; with export as ( select * from [mig_director].[_Export_Statistics]() where [PartitionValue] is not null ) , import as ( select * from [mig_director].[_Import_Statistics]() where [PartitionValue] is not null ) , newStatistic as ( select A.[PartitionValue] , A.[EntityID] , A.[Count] - A.[Dropped] as [Available] , A.[Discarded] as [ExpDiscarded] , A.[Exported] , isnull(B.[Discarded], 0) as [ImpDiscarded] , isnull(B.[Imported], 0) as [Imported] , A.[Difference] + isnull(B.[Difference], 0) as [Check] from export as A left outer join import as B on A.[PartitionValue] = B.[PartitionValue] and A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] where (@entitiesToProcess is null or A.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) ) , curStatistic as ( select * from [mig_tracking].[Statistic] as A where (@entitiesToProcess is null or A.[EntityID] in (select [EntityID] from @entities)) and A.[Time] = ( select max([Time]) from [mig_tracking].[Statistic] where [PartitionValue] = A.[PartitionValue] and [EntityID] = A.[EntityID] ) ) insert [mig_tracking].[Statistic] ( [PartitionValue] , [EntityID] , [Time] , [Available] , [ExpDiscarded] , [Exported] , [ImpDiscarded] , [Imported] ) select coalesce(A.[PartitionValue], B.[PartitionValue]) as [PartitionValue] , coalesce(A.[EntityID], B.[EntityID]) as [EntityID] , @runDate as [RunDate] , isnull(A.[Available], 0) as [Available] , isnull(A.[ExpDiscarded], 0) as [ExpDiscarded] , isnull(A.[Exported], 0) as [Exported] , isnull(A.[ImpDiscarded], 0) as [ImpDiscarded] , isnull(A.[Imported], 0) as [Imported] from newStatistic as A full outer join curStatistic as B on A.[PartitionValue] = B.[PartitionValue] and A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] where A.[EntityID] is null -- Obsolete or B.[EntityID] is null -- New or B.[Available] <> A.[Available] or B.[ExpDiscarded] <> A.[ExpDiscarded] or B.[Exported] <> A.[Exported] or B.[ImpDiscarded] <> A.[ImpDiscarded] or B.[Imported] <> A.[Imported] exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 ----------------------------------------------------- -- Parameters ----------------------------------------------------- exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 1, 'Parameters', @logId output truncate table [mig_tracking].[Parameter] insert [mig_tracking].[Parameter] select [ItemID] , [ProjectType] , [Name] , [Value] , [Description] from [mig_director].[RunParameter] where [Present] = 1 and [Value] is not null exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryUpdate] @logId, 0 set @text = '------------------------------------------------------------------ ' + convert(varchar, getdate() - @start, 108) + ' Total ------------------------------------------------------------------' exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 0, @text, @logId output -- Return the current non-zero partition counts for status updates in the project DB select A.[MessageID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[PartitionValue] from [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount] as A where A.[InstanceCount] > 0 and A.[Time] = ( select max(B.[Time]) from [mig_tracking].[PartitionEventCount] as B where A.[MessageID] = B.[MessageID] and A.[EntityID] = B.[EntityID] and A.[PartitionValue] = B.[PartitionValue] ) end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_translation].[ListValuesets]...'; GO create procedure [mig_translation].[ListValuesets] as -- Returns an xml document containing all the Translation Valuesets as well as all SmartTexts used by Translation Valueset Display or Description -- The document is consumed by the stored procedure [mig_translation].[TranslationValueset_Update] in the project database -- Sample of returned xml (displayTextID and descriptionTextId are optional) -- -- -- 7eef8e2d-0429-4786-9949-4f207d372ceb -- TranslateBankUnits -- 7eef8e2d-0429-4786-9949-4f207d372ceb -- a5411722-071c-43ac-9963-2d4a6d6055c3 -- -- -- 12a1f01e-38b2-438c-882c-1f2f6b133bf8 -- TranslateSegments -- -- -- BankUnits display name -- -- -- BankUnits decription -- -- declare @valueset table( [id] uniqueidentifier , [name] varchar(max) , [displayTextID] uniqueidentifier , [descriptionTextID] uniqueidentifier ) insert @valueset select A.[ItemID] as [id] , A.[Name] as [name] , A.[Columns].value('(*/@displaySmartTextId)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') as [displayTextID] , A.[Columns].value('(*/@descriptionSmartTextId)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') as [descriptionTextID] from [mig_director].[Valueset] as A inner join [mig_director].[Engine] as B on A.[ProjectID] = B.[ProjectID] where A.[ValuesetType] = 2 and A.[Present] = 1 declare @texts varchar(max) = '' select @texts = @texts + cast(A.[Xml] as varchar(max)) from [mig_director].[SmartText] as A inner join @valueset as B on A.[ItemID] = B.[displayTextID] or A.[ItemID] = B.[descriptionTextID] select cast(( '' + cast((select * from @valueset for xml path('valueset')) as varchar(max)) + @texts + '') as xml) GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetFaulted]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetFaulted] @jobInstanceId int , @message nvarchar(max) as declare @entryId bigint exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_SetCompleted] @jobInstanceId, 2 exec [mig_director].[JobInstance_LogEntryInsert] @jobInstanceId, 2, @message, @entryId output GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[_InvalidateSet]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[_InvalidateSet] @toInvalidate [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet] readonly as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() declare @wasInvalidated [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet] -- Invalidate existing items from previous jobs update [mig_item].[Active] with (RowLock) set [JobId] = B.[ValidJobId] , [JobInstanceId] = B.[ValidJobInstanceId] output deleted.ItemId, deleted.Step, deleted.JobId, deleted.JobInstanceId, B.[ValidJobId], B.[ValidJobInstanceId] into @wasInvalidated from [mig_item].[Active] as A inner join @toInvalidate as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] where (B.[Step] is null or A.[Step] >= B.[Step]) and (B.[InvalidJobId] is null or A.[JobId] = B.[InvalidJobId]) and (B.[InvalidJobInstanceId] is null or A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[InvalidJobInstanceId]) -- Create new items insert [mig_item].[Active] with (RowLock) ( [ItemId] , [Step] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] ) select A.[ItemId] , A.[Step] , A.[ValidJobId] , A.[ValidJobInstanceId] from @toInvalidate as A left outer join @wasInvalidated as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[InvalidJobId] = B.[InvalidJobId] and A.[InvalidJobInstanceId] = B.[InvalidJobInstanceId] left outer join [mig_item].[Active] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and A.[Step] = C.[Step] where A.[Step] is not null and A.[ValidJobId] is not null and B.[ItemId] is null and C.[ItemId] is null exec [mig_garbage].[_Log_InvalidateItems] @wasInvalidated GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[_InvalidateItem]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[_InvalidateItem] @itemId bigint , @step tinyint = null , @validJobId int = null , @validJobInstanceId int = null as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() declare @wasInvalidated [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet] -- Invalidate existing item from previous job update [mig_item].[Active] with (RowLock) set [JobId] = @validJobId , [JobInstanceId] = @validJobInstanceId output deleted.ItemId, deleted.Step, deleted.JobId, deleted.JobInstanceId, @validJobId, @validJobInstanceId into @wasInvalidated from [mig_item].[Active] where [ItemId] = @itemId and [Step] >= @step if 0 = @@rowCount begin -- Create new item insert [mig_item].[Active] with (RowLock) ( [ItemId] , [Step] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] ) values ( @itemId , @step , @validJobId , @validJobInstanceId ) end exec [mig_garbage].[_Log_InvalidateItems] @wasInvalidated GO PRINT N'Creating Function [mig_item].[Import_IncludeDependencies]...'; GO create function [mig_item].[_Import_IncludeDependencies]( @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] readonly , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit ) returns @ids table ( [ItemId] bigint ) as begin with ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- A utility query to only inspect relevant dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------ validDependencies as ( select A.[ItemId] , A.[KeyId] , C.[DependentOnKeyId] from [mig_item].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as B with (NoLock) on B.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and B.[Result] = 0 -- 0:Exported left outer join [mig_valid].[Dependency] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[Id] is null -- Root items or A.[KeyId] <> C.[DependentOnKeyId] -- Avoid self-referencing items ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Descendants (if @includeDescendants = 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------ , descendantSeed as ( select B.[ItemId] , B.[KeyId] , B.[DependentOnKeyId] from @itemIds as A inner join validDependencies as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.ItemId where @includeDescendants = 1 ) , descendants as ( select A.[ItemId] , A.[KeyId] , cast(null as bigint) as [DependentOnKeyId] from descendantSeed as A left outer join descendantSeed as B on A.[DependentOnKeyId] = B.[KeyId] where B.[KeyId] is null union all select B.[ItemId] , B.[KeyId] , B.[DependentOnKeyId] from descendants as A inner join validDependencies as B on A.[KeyId] = B.[DependentOnKeyId] ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Ancestors (if @includeAncestors = 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------ , ancestors as ( select C.[ItemId] , C.[KeyId] , B.[DependentOnKeyId] from @itemIds as A inner join validDependencies as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join [mig_item].[Item] as C with (NoLock) on B.[DependentOnKeyId] = C.[KeyId] where @includeAncestors = 1 union all select A.[ItemId] , A.[KeyId] , A.[DependentOnKeyId] from validDependencies as A inner join ancestors as B on A.[KeyId] = B.[DependentOnKeyId] ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Result ------------------------------------------------------------------ insert @ids select [ItemId] from @itemIds union select [ItemId] from descendants union select [ItemId] from ancestors return end GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_GetByItemSet]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Import_GetByItemSet] ( @setIdlist varchar(max) , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit , @limit bigint , @jobId int ) as declare @setIds table([SetId] bigint, primary key ([SetId])) insert @setIds select convert(bigint, [Value]) from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@setIdlist, ',') declare @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] insert @itemIds select top(@limit) A.[ItemId] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ItemSet] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] inner join @setIds as C on B.[SetId] = C.[SetId] inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as D on D.[ItemId] = A.[ItemId] and D.[Result] = 0 -- 0:Exported group by A.[ItemId] exec [mig_item].[_Import_CalculateLevels] @jobId, @itemIds, @includeDescendants, @includeAncestors GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_GetByEvent]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Import_GetByEvent] ( @userEventlist varchar(max) , @systemEventlist varchar(max) , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit , @limit bigint , @jobId int ) as declare @delimiter varchar(10) = '<>##.##<>' declare @count int = 0 declare @str varchar(max) declare @xml xml declare @entityID uniqueidentifier declare @eventID uniqueidentifier declare @message varchar(1024) declare @engine tinyint declare @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] -- User events declare csrUser cursor for select [Value] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@userEventlist, @delimiter) open csrUser fetch next from csrUser into @str while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @xml = convert(xml, @str) set @entityID = @xml.value('(*/EntityID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') set @eventID = @xml.value('(*/EventID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') set @engine = @xml.value('(*/Engine)[1]', 'tinyint') insert @itemIds select A.[ItemId] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_valid].[EventUser] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[Engine] = @engine and B.[EventID] = @eventID inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and C.[EntityID] = @entityID left outer join @itemIds as D on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] where D.[ItemId] is null group by A.[ItemId] set @count = @count + @@rowcount fetch next from csrUser into @str end close csrUser deallocate csrUser -- System events declare csrSystem cursor for select [Value] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@userEventlist, @delimiter) open csrSystem fetch next from csrSystem into @str while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @xml = convert(xml, @str) set @entityID = @xml.value('(*/EntityID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') set @message = @xml.value('(*/Message)[1]', 'varchar(1024)') set @engine = @xml.value('(*/Engine)[1]', 'tinyint') insert @itemIds select A.[ItemId] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_valid].[EventSystem] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[Engine] = @engine and B.[Message] = @message inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and C.[EntityID] = @entityID left outer join @itemIds as D on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] where D.[ItemId] is null group by A.[ItemId] set @count = @count + @@rowcount fetch next from csrSystem into @str end close csrSystem deallocate csrSystem -- If too many, delete randomly in an effort to get some of all event types if @count > @limit begin with del as ( select top(@count - @limit) [ItemId] from @itemIds order by [ItemId] % 500 ) delete from @itemIds from @itemIds as A inner join del as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] end exec [mig_item].[_Import_CalculateLevels] @jobId, @itemIds, @includeDescendants, @includeAncestors GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_GetByEntityID]...'; GO create procedure [mig_item].[Import_GetByEntityID] ( @entityIDlist varchar(max) = null , @key varchar(512) = null , @mode tinyint , @includeDescendants bit , @includeAncestors bit , @limit bigint , @jobId int ) as declare @entityIDs table([ID] uniqueidentifier, primary key ([ID])) if @entityIDlist is null begin insert @entityIDs select [EntityID] from [mig_director].[ExportEntity] where [IsPresent] = 1 end else begin insert @entityIDs select convert(uniqueidentifier, [Value]) from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@entityIDlist, ',') end declare @itemIds [mig_item].[ItemIdList] insert @itemIds select top(@limit) A.[ItemId] from [mig_valid].[Item] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[MainKey] as B with (NoLock) on A.[KeyId] = B.[KeyId] and (@key is null or B.[KeyValue] like @key) inner join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and C.[Result] = 0 -- 0: Exported inner join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] inner join @entityIDs as E on D.[EntityID] = E.[ID] left outer join [mig_valid].[ImportItem] as F with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = F.[ItemId] where (@mode = 0) -- All or (@mode = 1 and F.[Result] < 2) -- Rejects, 2: Success or (@mode = 2 and F.[Result] is null) -- Difference exec [mig_item].[_Import_CalculateLevels] @jobId, @itemIds, @includeDescendants, @includeAncestors GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_Item_Insert]...'; GO create procedure [mig_item].[Export_Item_Insert] @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @exportID uniqueidentifier , @result tinyint , @businessEntityName varchar(50) , @partitionValue nvarchar(50) , @keyValue nvarchar(512) , @sourceKey nvarchar(512) , @sourceXml varchar(max) = null , @nSourceXml nvarchar(max) = null , @exportXml varchar(max) = null , @nExportXml nvarchar(max) = null , @maxDeadlockRetries int , @compress bit as declare @step tinyint = 0 -- Export -- Mark previous export for garbage collection exec [mig_garbage].[_InvalidateItem] @itemId, @step, @jobId, @jobInstanceId -- Get KeyId declare @keyId bigint declare @duplicate bit = 0 exec [mig_item].[_GetKeyId] @businessEntityName, @keyValue, @maxDeadlockRetries, @keyId output -- Check for duplicate key select @duplicate = 1 from [mig_valid].[Item] where [KeyId] = @keyId and [ItemId] <> @itemId -- Avoid finding yourself ! if 1 = @duplicate begin -- Insert ExportID in @keyValue and get a new KeyId declare @idTxt varchar(50) = lower(convert(varchar(50), @exportID)) declare @keyXml xml = convert(xml, @keyValue) set @keyXml.modify('insert as last into (/*)[1]') set @keyValue = convert(nvarchar(512), @keyXml) exec [mig_item].[_GetKeyId] @businessEntityName, @keyValue, @maxDeadlockRetries, @keyId output -- Override @result set @result = 2 -- Rejected end if 0 = @@error begin ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clear any existing Xml from import step for this item ------------------------------------------------------------- update [mig_item].[TargetXml] set [_XmlCompressed] = null , [_XmlUncompressed] = null , [_NXmlCompressed] = null , [_NXmlUncompressed] = null , [JobId] = null , [JobInstanceId] = null , [CreationDate] = sysdatetime() where [ItemId] = @itemId ------------------------------------------- -- Insert or update Item for this iteration ------------------------------------------- merge into [mig_item].[Item] as tgt using (select @itemId as [ItemId]) as src on (tgt.[ItemId] = src.[ItemId]) when matched then update set tgt.[JobId] = @jobId , tgt.[JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId , tgt.[KeyId] = @keyId , tgt.[PartitionValue] = @partitionValue when not matched then insert ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [KeyId] , [PartitionValue] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @keyId , @partitionValue ); if 0 = @@error begin ------------------------------------------------- -- Insert or update ExportItem for this iteration ------------------------------------------------- declare @commit bigint declare @cleanWorkspace bit select top(1) @commit = [Commit] , @cleanWorkspace = [CleanWorkspace] from [mig_director].[Engine] where [ProjectType] = 'Source' merge into [mig_item].[ExportItem] as tgt using (select @itemId as [ItemId]) as src on (tgt.[ItemId] = src.[ItemId]) when matched then update set tgt.[JobId] = @jobId , tgt.[JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId , tgt.[Result] = @result , tgt.[SourceKey] = @sourceKey , tgt.[Commit] = isnull(@commit, 0) , tgt.[CleanWorkspace] = isnull(@cleanWorkspace, 0) when not matched then insert ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [Result] , [SourceKey] , [Commit] , [CleanWorkspace] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @result , @sourceKey , isnull(@commit, 0) , isnull(@cleanWorkspace, 0) ); if 0 = @@error and (@sourceXml is not null or @nSourceXml is not null) begin --------------------------------------------------- -- Handle the compress and nvarchar logic first --------------------------------------------------- declare @srcXmlCompressed varbinary(max) = case @compress when 1 then compress(@sourceXml) else null end declare @srcXmlUncompressed varchar(max) = case @compress when 0 then @sourceXml else null end declare @nSrcXmlCompressed varbinary(max) = case @compress when 1 then compress(@nSourceXml) else null end declare @nSrcXmlUncompressed nvarchar(max) = case @compress when 0 then @nSourceXml else null end ------------------------------------------------- -- Insert or update SourceXml for this iteration ------------------------------------------------- merge into [mig_item].[SourceXml] as tgt using (select @itemId as [ItemId]) as src on (tgt.[ItemId] = src.[ItemId]) when matched then update set tgt.[JobId] = @jobId , tgt.[JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId , tgt.[_XmlCompressed] = @srcXmlCompressed , tgt.[_XmlUncompressed] = @srcXmlUncompressed , tgt.[_NXmlCompressed] = @nSrcXmlCompressed , tgt.[_NXmlUncompressed] = @nSrcXmlUncompressed , tgt.[CreationDate] = sysdatetime() when not matched then insert ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [_XmlCompressed] , [_XmlUncompressed] , [_NXmlCompressed] , [_NXmlUncompressed] , [CreationDate] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @srcXmlCompressed , @srcXmlUncompressed , @nSrcXmlCompressed , @nSrcXmlUncompressed , sysdatetime() ); if 0 = @@error and (@exportXml is not null or @nExportXml is not null) and @result <> 1 -- Dropped begin --------------------------------------------------- -- Handle the compress and nvarchar logic first --------------------------------------------------- declare @expXmlCompressed varbinary(max) = case @compress when 1 then compress(@exportXml) else null end declare @expXmlUncompressed varchar(max) = case @compress when 0 then @exportXml else null end declare @nExpXmlCompressed varbinary(max) = case @compress when 1 then compress(@nExportXml) else null end declare @nExpXmlUncompressed nvarchar(max) = case @compress when 0 then @nExportXml else null end ------------------------------------------------- -- Insert or update ExportXml for this iteration ------------------------------------------------- merge into [mig_item].[ExportXml] as tgt using (select @itemId as [ItemId]) as exp on (tgt.[ItemId] = exp.[ItemId]) when matched then update set tgt.[JobId] = @jobId , tgt.[JobInstanceId] = @jobInstanceId , tgt.[_XmlCompressed] = @expXmlCompressed , tgt.[_XmlUncompressed] = @expXmlUncompressed , tgt.[_NXmlCompressed] = @nExpXmlCompressed , tgt.[_NXmlUncompressed] = @nExpXmlUncompressed , tgt.[CreationDate] = sysdatetime() when not matched then insert ( [ItemId] , [JobId] , [JobInstanceId] , [_XmlCompressed] , [_XmlUncompressed] , [_NXmlCompressed] , [_NXmlUncompressed] , [CreationDate] ) values ( @itemId , @jobId , @jobInstanceId , @expXmlCompressed , @expXmlUncompressed , @nExpXmlCompressed , @nExpXmlUncompressed , sysdatetime() ); end end end end select @duplicate GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetByItemSet]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetByItemSet]( @setId bigint , @limit bigint , @jobId int ) as select top(@limit) A.[ExportID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[BreakFields] into #itemsToExport from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_item].[ItemSet] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[SetId] = @setId left outer join [mig_item].[Processed] as Cur with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = Cur.[ItemId] and Cur.[JobId] = @jobId where Cur.ItemId is null exec [mig_item].[_Export_CountItems] @jobId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetByEvent]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetByEvent]( @userEventlist varchar(max) , @systemEventlist varchar(max) , @limit bigint , @jobId int ) as set @limit = @limit - (select count(*) from [mig_item].[Processed] with (NoLock) where [JobId] = @jobId) declare @delimiter varchar(10) = '<>##.##<>' declare @count int = 0 declare @str varchar(max) declare @xml xml declare @entityID uniqueidentifier declare @eventID uniqueidentifier declare @message varchar(1024) declare @engine tinyint create table #itemsToExport ( [ExportID] uniqueidentifier , [EntityID] uniqueidentifier , [ItemId] bigint , [BreakFields] varchar(512) ) create unique nonclustered index __IX_itemsToConvert on #itemsToExport ([ItemId] asc) -- User events declare csrUser cursor for select [Value] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@userEventlist, @delimiter) open csrUser fetch next from csrUser into @str while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @xml = convert(xml, @str) set @entityID = @xml.value('(*/EntityID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') set @eventID = @xml.value('(*/EventID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') set @engine = @xml.value('(*/Engine)[1]', 'tinyint') insert #itemsToExport select A.[ExportID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[BreakFields] from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_valid].[EventUser] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[Engine] = @engine and B.[EventID] = @eventID left outer join #itemsToExport as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] left outer join [mig_item].[Processed] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and D.[JobId] = @jobId where A.[EntityID] = @entityID and C.[ItemId] is null and D.[ItemId] is null group by A.[ExportID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[BreakFields] set @count = @count + @@rowcount fetch next from csrUser into @str end close csrUser deallocate csrUser -- System events declare csrSystem cursor for select [Value] from [mig_utility].[ParseDelimitedString](@userEventlist, @delimiter) open csrSystem fetch next from csrSystem into @str while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @xml = convert(xml, @str) set @entityID = @xml.value('(*/EntityID)[1]', 'uniqueidentifier') set @message = @xml.value('(*/Message)[1]', 'varchar(1024)') set @engine = @xml.value('(*/Engine)[1]', 'tinyint') insert #itemsToExport select A.[ExportID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[BreakFields] from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) inner join [mig_valid].[EventSystem] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and B.[Engine] = @engine and B.[Message] = @message left outer join #itemsToExport as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] left outer join [mig_item].[Processed] as D with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = D.[ItemId] and D.[JobId] = @jobId where A.[EntityID] = @entityID and C.[ItemId] is null and D.[ItemId] is null group by A.[ExportID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[BreakFields] set @count = @count + @@rowcount fetch next from csrSystem into @str end close csrSystem deallocate csrSystem -- If too many, delete randomly in an effort to get some of all event types if @count > @limit begin with del as ( select top(@count - @limit) [ItemId] from #itemsToExport order by [ItemId] % 500 ) delete from #itemsToExport from #itemsToExport as A inner join del as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] end exec [mig_item].[_Export_CountItems] @jobId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetByEntityID]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_GetByEntityID]( @entityID uniqueidentifier , @limit bigint , @key varchar(512) = null , @mode tinyint , @jobId int ) as set @limit = @limit - (select count(*) from [mig_item].[Processed] with (NoLock) where [JobId] = @jobId) select top(@limit) A.[ExportID] , A.[EntityID] , A.[ItemId] , A.[BreakFields] into #itemsToExport from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A with (NoLock) left outer join [mig_item].[ExportItem] as B with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] left outer join [mig_item].[Processed] as C with (NoLock) on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] and C.[JobId] = @jobId where (A.[EntityID] = @entityID) and (@key is null or A.[BreakFields] like @key) and ( (@mode = 0) -- All or (@mode = 1 and B.[Result] = 2) -- Rejects, 2: Reject or (@mode = 2 and B.[Result] is null) -- Difference ) and (C.[ItemId] is null) exec [mig_item].[_Export_CountItems] @jobId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Import_Item_Start]...'; GO CREATE PROCEDURE [mig_item].[Import_Item_Start] ( @itemId bigint , @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int ) AS declare @step tinyint = 1 -- Import exec [mig_garbage].[_InvalidateItem] @itemId, @step, @jobId, @jobInstanceId GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_garbage].[_SetItemSetObsolete]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_garbage].[_SetItemSetObsolete] ( @itemSet [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet] readonly ) as declare @time datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() update [mig_item].[Id] set [InvalidatedTime] = @time from [mig_item].[Id] as A inner join @itemSet as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] exec [mig_garbage].[_InvalidateSet] @itemSet GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[_Export_EntitySynchronizeItems]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[_Export_EntitySynchronizeItems] @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @sync [mig_item].[ExportItemList] readonly , @newCount int output , @obsoleteCount int output as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process New items -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare @newId table([ItemId] bigint) declare @newExportID table([ExportID] uniqueidentifier, [BreakFields] nvarchar(512)) declare @time datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() -- Determine new items insert @newExportID select A.[ExportID] , A.[BreakFields] from @sync as A left outer join [mig_item].[ExportKey] as B on A.[ExportID] = B.[ExportID] where B.[BreakFields] is null -- Generate ItemIds insert [mig_item].[Id] with (RowLock) ([CreationDate]) output inserted.[ItemId] into @newId select @time from @newExportID -- Match ExportIDs and generated ItemIds and insert on ExportKey ;with itemId as ( select row_number() over(order by [ItemId]) as [RowId] , [ItemId] from @newId ) , exportID as ( select row_number() over(order by [ExportId]) as [RowId] , [ExportId] , [BreakFields] from @newExportID ) insert [mig_item].[ExportKey] with (RowLock) ( ExportID , ItemId , EntityID , BreakFields , JobId , JobInstanceId ) select B.[ExportID] , A.[ItemId] , @entityID , B.[BreakFields] , @jobId , @jobInstanceId from itemId as A inner join exportID as B on A.[RowId] = B.[RowId] -- Return the number of new items set @newCount = @@rowcount -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process Obsolete items -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare @obsoleteItems [mig_garbage].[InvalidateSet] delete from [mig_item].[ExportKey] with (RowLock) output Deleted.[ItemId] into @obsoleteItems([ItemId]) from [mig_item].[ExportKey] as A left outer join @sync as B on A.[ExportID] = B.[ExportID] where A.[EntityID] = @entityID and B.[ExportID] is null -- Return the number of obsolete items set @obsoleteCount = @@rowcount -- Mark as garbage exec [mig_garbage].[_SetItemSetObsolete] @obsoleteItems GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_EntitySynchronizeItems]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_EntitySynchronizeItems] @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @entityID uniqueidentifier , @exportDb varchar(50) , @totalCount int output , @newCount int output , @obsoleteCount int output as declare @now datetime2(7) = sysdatetime() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dynamically call the Synchronize procedure in the Export DB and retrieve the sync results in table var @sync --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare @sync [mig_item].[ExportItemList] declare @sql nvarchar(256) = 'exec ' + @exportDb + '.[mig_director].[EntityKeyList] ''' + convert(nvarchar(50), @entityID) + '''' -- Execute the call insert into @sync exec (@sql) -- Return the total count set @totalCount = @@rowcount exec [mig_item].[_Export_EntitySynchronizeItems] @jobId, @jobInstanceId, @entityID, @sync, @newCount output, @obsoleteCount output update [mig_director].[ExportEntity] set [LastSynchronizeTime] = @now where [EntityId] = @entityID GO PRINT N'Creating Procedure [mig_item].[Export_EntityClearAllItems]...'; GO CREATE procedure [mig_item].[Export_EntityClearAllItems] @jobId int , @jobInstanceId int , @entityID uniqueidentifier as declare @sync [mig_item].[ExportItemList] -- Empty synch list causes cleanup of all items for EntityID declare @newCount int = 0 declare @obsoleteCount int = 0 exec [mig_item].[_Export_EntitySynchronizeItems] @jobId, @jobInstanceId, @entityID, @sync, @newCount output, @obsoleteCount output select @obsoleteCount GO PRINT N'Creating view [mig_valid].[Audit]...'; GO CREATE view [mig_valid].[Audit] as select A.* from [mig_item].[Audit] as A inner join [mig_item].[Active] as B on A.[ItemId] = B.[ItemId] and A.[JobId] = B.[JobId] and A.[JobInstanceId] = B.[JobInstanceId] and A.[Step] = B.[Step] inner join [mig_item].[Id] as C on A.[ItemId] = C.[ItemId] where C.[InvalidatedTime] is null GO PRINT N'Update complete.'; GO